Wyoming deer....and points.

This won't end well fella.
I'm sure if you say so, then you must be right.
Stay calm and take your meds.
I already tried the ignore thing. That's not and hasn't been working.
It's all right, you always hurt the one's you love, they say.
I already tried the ignore thing. That's not and hasn't been working.
It's all right, you always hurt the one's you love, they say.

Now you had better go over on MM because you screwed up over there and I corrected you there on your incorrect PP information. Some people just don't know when to quit posting what they don't know anything about! FYI you said you used your 1 PP to get that first choice tag in Region F this fall. You say you want to hunt again in 2019 with the 2 PPs you'll have. However, you will only have 1 PP for the 2019 draw because you can't buy a PP this year and will only have the 1 PP you can buy next year that will be good for the 2019 draw. Before you post more BS back at me, look it up because you're wrong again about buying one this summer and next summer and having 2 for 2019!
I did think I could buy a point this summer.
If I can't then I guess you saved another life today.
You are the man!
Nice to know you've taken a special interest in my posts.
Lucky me.
I did think I could buy a point this summer.
If I can't then I guess you saved another life today.
You are the man!
Nice to know you've taken a special interest in my posts.
Lucky me.[/QUOTE

You THINK you're right about a lot of things when you're not and that is your whole problem! One would think from reading your childish posts when someone corrects you that you're in grade school, rather than an adult that can't take any criticism when they make a mistake. PS: I don't take special interest in your posts other than when they are wrong and then people should step up and make sure others know the information being given is wrong. Sorry you don't appear to agree with that, but it will continue whenever posted information from you or anyone else is wrong. The simple solution if you don't like being corrected is to not post wrong information. It's really a very simple concept!
More wisecracks from the peanut gallery that aren't needed JLS! I haven't said anything on this thread that isn't fact and isn't true. It's obvious where the problem is when he said he had me on Ignore last week and he obviously lied when he's still reading my posts and responding with baloney every time I correct his mistakes. If he keeps making them I'll keep correcting them because that's the proper and appropriate thing to do when people post wrong information. Sorry if you don't agree and just want to stir the pot as always!

I haven't said anything untrue either. You can offer correct information without 1) acting like an3 year old having a tantrum and 2) acting like an abrasive ass in the process.

I predict this will soon be locked and you'll soon be in timeout.
I did think I could buy a point this summer.
If I can't then I guess you saved another life today.
You are the man!
Nice to know you've taken a special interest in my posts.
Lucky me.

If you didn't come across like you were the Wyoming authority, the response would probably be different. That said, gunner could be a bit more "educational" in his responses.
If you didn't come across like you were the Wyoming authority, the response would probably be different. That said, gunner could be a bit more "educational" in his responses.

I know I'm not the most PC guy on the block WB, but you know me well and this gets old when a person keeps posting so much stuff on two big sites like he started doing recently like he's been there and done that in every post and he's never even been out west. Cripes, I tried to be very polite over on his MM thread this evening and all I got was a bunch of childish BS over there when he had no idea what he was posting regarding PPs for Wyoming. I'll try to do better, but even when I was as nice as pie he accused me on MM of being nasty to him so I can't win for losing. Maybe I'll just put him on Ignore and then when people get wrong information from him causing them to have a bad hunt and they come looking for him he'll wise up!
He's trying to help, that's more than a lot do.

Educate; I think that's the primary goal of this particular forum.
And yes, at times it gets old; I go sideways too on occasion.
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I have no problem being corrected when I'm wrong.
When I'm right I still have no problem when someone says they are right.
People have and always will make mistakes and I certainly make my share.

We can't all be like some other guys around this place.
Life will go on , sorry you've taken personal offense to a problem you created.
I'm moving on and I'm sure you will try to rille me up again.

What ever turns your clock.
I have known a few like you before and I'll bet you won't be the last.
Oh well
I can't agree that I come across as some type of athority.
But fortunately for you guys I do think you can have an opinion.
Let's lighten up people.

Life's too short.
Good night and good luck, sincerely wish you all well.
I give up WB because it's obvious with those last two posts of his in a row that we just aren't getting our point across and probably never will!
Please don't start another thread asking when you can be expert enough to have an opinion. You ARE speaking as if you are an authority.
Sincerely ,sorry for any misconception.
I'm sure I'm wrong again in thinking I came across one way or another.

Honestly did not mean to or think I did.
This will be my first fall in Wyoming hunting deer and elk and hopefully an antelope on a leftover tag if I draw one.
But, have researched for many years.
With the winter deer fawn mortality at near 100%, hunting deer sooner or way, way, later looks like the best options.

If I had 3 points in, I would apply next year somewhere in a general unit.
I'm doing region F this fall. If it doesn't impress then I'm looking at banking points and looking elsewhere.

H might not be as good 3 years from now. But if I could go this fall ,I would.

Sorry for this some how offensive post.
One little line in the OP mentioned he was thinking about H and he won't draw G or H with 3 PPs!

Wait..... why not? H was 100% with 3 points and 22% with 2 in the NR regular draw this year. Even with creep it should still be close to 100% with 3 next year.
Wait..... why not? H was 100% with 3 points and 22% with 2 in the NR regular draw this year. Even with creep it should still be close to 100% with 3 next year.

One year to the next sometimes finds substantial creep. You're probably right that H will be close with 3 PPs next year, but when planning a trip well ahead of time I would think most would want to be assured that the number of PPs they have is a gimme to draw the tag and 3 might not be next year.

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