Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Vasectomy vs Sheep Tag


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2018
So my wife and I were talking and she told me that we had better odds of getting pregnant after my vasectomy than we did of winning the lottery. It got me thinking about odds which naturally made me think about sheep tags in the lower 48. I think the pregnancy rate after a vasectomy is 1 in 1000 but there are Sheep units that realistically don’t have those odds so the moral of the story is that I have better odds of having another kid than I do drawing a big horn sheep. Just some funny food for thought.
So my wife and I were talking and she told me that we had better odds of getting pregnant after my vasectomy than we did of winning the lottery. It got me thinking about odds which naturally made me think about sheep tags in the lower 48. I think the pregnancy rate after a vasectomy is 1 in 1000 but there are Sheep units that realistically don’t have those odds so the moral of the story is that I have better odds of having another kid than I do drawing a big horn sheep. Just some funny food for thought.
Try and prove her wrong on both counts!;)
Try and prove her wrong on both counts!;)
I was expecting this thread to take a different turn... as in your wife making you choose between the two. Pretty easy choice, BTW. :D

Pretty sure the odds of drawing a tag are much better than one in 1000. Mayer of fact in 10 years we've drawn 4.
I just got the all clear from my vasectomy 2 days ago. It’s no great source of comfort to think that a. you are right and b. I still apply for sheep in a couple states and purchase raffle tickets because “there’s a chance.”
I was expecting this thread to take a different turn... as in your wife making you choose between the two. Pretty easy choice, BTW. :D

Pretty sure the odds of drawing a tag are much better than one in 1000. Mayer of fact in 10 years we've drawn 4.

Very easy choice. I had a vasectomy but have yet to put in for a sheep tag anywhere lol. The cost of another kid gets more than a sheep hunt real quick.
I had two vasectomies. My wife told me she was pregnant a year after my first vasectomy. Now what is the first thing that goes through any man's mind when his wife gets pregnant after a vasectomy? Yep, I thought it too. In fact, in my mind, I just knew who that SOB was that did it because he had been sniffing around my wife for years.
Fortunately, I gathered my facts before opening my fat mouth. That is actually quite out of character for me. I guess I just had a moment. Sure enough, my fishes were swimming again and I had to get redone.
My son, even though he was a very stressful accident, ended up being a blessing and has grown to be a fine young man.
I had a friend that years ago had a stash of money to buy a spotting scope. His wife was trying to convince him to get a vasectomy, but he could not decide what to do. Well, while trying to decide which choice to pursue his wife got pregnant. Their boy was born and the father's friends called the new youngster "Scope".

Unfortunately, that friend died at a fairly early age, but not before "Scope" had grown into early adulthood.

For those experienced with both, which is greater? The excitement heading into the sheep hunt or the terror heading into the operating room?