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Trailhead etiquette


New member
May 27, 2012
I am new to this forum, but have gone through the 140 pages of elk threads and the backpacking threads looking for any info that could help on an upcoming elk hunt. And I found a lot, thanks.
My 27 year old son and myself(59) plan a backpack elk hunt into a colorado wilderness for two weeks with archery gear. This will be my third wilderness hunt for elk, though the first two were drop camps into the Bob Marshall Wilderness in Montana, when I was in my twenties.
My son and I have done a lot of hunting together and this is a hunt he has wanted to do and I'm not getting any younger. This will be the most physically and mentally challenging hunt I've ever been on. Physically, I'm in great shape for my age, having worked out regularly for several years an hour every other day and since early January have worked out at least an hour a day, not having missed a single day. I still know this hunt will be a physical challenge.

My question is (and there will no doubt be more to come)

What is the trailhead etiquette? Being a midwesterner, I've never even seen a trailhead, but I imagine them to be a little parking lot of sorts. And I'm sure being courteous is part of it, but fill me in with any details. We want to do this hunt right from the start to the finish.

As a horse owner I appreciate a couple things. It's nice to pull into a parking lot and not have some knuckle head parked in the center of the lot but rather on the edges. I also appreciate those who have dogs when I come up on them try to keep them by their sides as we pass each other. I usually get off my horse and walk by them as well. Just never know how each dog is going to react to the horses.
Since you won't have a dog don't worry about that. Pretty simple just go have fun. Here's my list of don'ts

1. Park in the center of the lot
2. Let you dog run wild chasing every deer,horse, hiker..... then again maybe a wolf will fix him
3.Don't poop or sleep in the center of the trail (seen both):D

Good luck!
In Colorado at least, it is customary to leave a cooler in the back of your truck full of ice and Dale’s Pale Ale for your other fellow trail users. Trailhead treats we call them.

Now what trailhead will you be at again?


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Reminds me of this trailhead In Wyoming, we pull up to see 3 of the roughest looking dudes you’ve ever seen, straight out of the trailer park. They had their camp set up right in the middle of the parking lot. No where to park, empty and half full, whiskey bottles every where. One guy is in head to toe Buckskins reading a stack of People magazines (we called him Buckskin). The other 2 (Frenchy and never named the 3rd one) are actually chasing each other around because they are drunk and the one actually has a couple of throwing hatchets he is threatening to toss at his buddy.

They assured us there were no elk in the area…………………………..
That's a good brew Dinkshooter. Question : how long did you guys sit at that trailhead watching those 3 drunk idiots? Long enough to name them, etc? hahahahah Why did you not jack with them?

Regarding trail etiquette -
1) Keep it clean
2) Check your path - DO NOT get stuck, or try and pull a trailer up/down where trailers are not intended to go.
3) Coloado = Beetle kill = trees block trailheads. Dont forget a saw.
If you run into someone in the backcountry be nice. The only 2 times I've run into people off the trail you'd have thought I was trespassing on their property by the way they acted towards me. Suck it up and say hi, ask where they plan to hunt so you can avoid them.
My first ever elk hunt was base/spike set up (10 years back)... we had hiked in a good ways from the 'corral' where we had set up GPS, 5 miles. Spiked about 50 yards off a trail where we figgered we'd be safe from the army. Opening morning looked like about 100 miners going to work at 4 in the morning. Whelp, I hiked a couple hours to a hidey post I thought was at the end of the earth... and just at first light a dude steps out 50 feet in front of me, coughs, and lights up.
I always keep paper handy, when I get to the trail head I leave nasty notes on 'out-a-staters' winshields. Makes me feel good that I live here and they don't.
I'll know Dink has been at the trailhead when I find some of those Walmart fruit snack smiley faces on my windshield :D
Why did you not jack with them?

Um yeah, they had official looking throwing hatchets. 2 things I do not mess with, Ninja throwing stars and throwing hatchets.

I'll know Dink has been at the trailhead when I find some of those Walmart fruit snack smiley faces on my windshield :D

I'm not sure what you mean?

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I'm not sure what you mean?


That's my boy! I hope someday I can go on a hunt with you. You seem just my type of guy. I like to screw around too much. Might be why Randy hasn't had me in an episode in a while :eek::D I vow to get a picture of a dall sheep with those smileys on them. That's my new goal.
In Colorado at least, it is customary to leave a cooler in the back of your truck full of ice and Dale’s Pale Ale for your other fellow trail users. Trailhead treats we call them.

Now what trailhead will you be at again?

That's Awesome! :) I'll have to be sure to check the other trucks next time i'm in CO. Here's a tip - if possible park where nobody else can block you in; or for that matter don't ever block someone in!
Reminds me of this trailhead In Wyoming, we pull up to see 3 of the roughest looking dudes you’ve ever seen, straight out of the trailer park. They had their camp set up right in the middle of the parking lot. No where to park, empty and half full, whiskey bottles every where. One guy is in head to toe Buckskins reading a stack of People magazines (we called him Buckskin). The other 2 (Frenchy and never named the 3rd one) are actually chasing each other around because they are drunk and the one actually has a couple of throwing hatchets he is threatening to toss at his buddy.

They assured us there were no elk in the area…………………………..

Is this one of them?? ...and of course canadian..


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