"Rude and unethical" hunter seeks feedback


New member
Nov 15, 2016
Recently I went on my first mule deer buck hunt in unit 471 colorado. I was on national forest service land the entire time. I found an area I wanted to hunt with good access, drove to it, parked. I saw a camp on the way in, I ignored them. I camped approx 1 mile from the road. The next day, I was glassing and hunting the same meadow. Both my camp and the other person were there. The next night, I killed a buck at dusk, field dressed and went back to camp. The next morning the person from this camp came over and explained that I was a "rude and unethical hunter, I have reported you to CPW". He explained that he was here first, thus I ruined his spot and I should have checked with him before hunting. He was there first, I ruined his spot. Additionally he was an outfitter and was expecting clients. I remind you this is National forest service land.
As I was new to hunting, alone in the wilderness with a pissed off guide, I listened and informed him that I was leaving (I had tagged out). But I would like to know if there is some unwritten protocol that you shouldn't blow up a guys spot. It's public land. I don't get it.
Thanks for any feedback
Sounds like he is trying to bully you. Congrats on the buck. Eat it with a clean conscience. Public land is public. You gotta deal with other hunters. Period.
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I have ran into a few guides that believe the entire area is first come first serve. I can appreciate that if we are talking about the same drainage or meadow that is only 1/4 mile or so. The encounters I had where the outfitter was camped at the trailhead and wanted the entire mountain to himself. Doesn't sound like you did anything wrong. Outfitters are trying to make a living just like everybody else so I usually take anything said with a grain of salt but I have ran into more sketchy outfitters / guides than I have honest ones. Just my experience though... Congrats on the buck.... any pics?
3x2 still in velvet. My first buck!

I have ran into a few guides that believe the entire area is first come first serve. I can appreciate that if we are talking about the same drainage or meadow that is only 1/4 mile or so. The encounters I had where the outfitter was camped at the trailhead and wanted the entire mountain to himself. Doesn't sound like you did anything wrong. Outfitters are trying to make a living just like everybody else so I usually take anything said with a grain of salt but I have ran into more sketchy outfitters / guides than I have honest ones. Just my experience though... Congrats on the buck.... any pics?


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Pffft. Tell that guy to pound sand. Reported you to CPW? Full of BS and trying to bluff you with that. There is such a thing as crowding another hunter, even on public land, that I and most consider rude but I don't think you came close to doing it. Lot's of guys camp at a trail head and think that claims a large area. I just wave, smile and walk on by.
Fishing, canoeing, hiking and hunting in MN, Canada and the Dakotas has been a consistently friendly experience over the years -- I am super excited to start trying western hunts, but from trying to learn from various forums this year, it sounds like between "trophy on the brain", private land owners and outfitters I should expect a decidedly less friendly experience. (of course I am sure the majority is fine, but just seems like the jackass minority is a bigger thing in this area/type of hunting)
Look out, He'll go to his buddies on the Colorado Outfitters Association, errr I mean Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission (same thing) and have you cited for disturbing the primary mission of Colorado, wildlife money whoring!

Congrats on your deer!
congrats on the nice deer. but that guide can pound sand; it was, and is, public land. we all know the deal with public land by now, we all own a stake of it, however it is not, and will not, ever be sectioned out with a "reserved for guide x" spot. you gave the guy his space, a nice wide buffer, so he suck it.
I'd love to know what he "reported" you for. I can just hear the conversation with CPW.

Hello CPW, how can I help you - CPW
Yeah, I was on public land and another guy killed a deer and I didn't. - Clueless Guy
So you were both on public land? - CPW
Yeah, and he just came in and killed a deer. - Clueless Guy
But you were both on public land, correct? - CPW
Yeah, I mean it was all public land I was there and he showed up and got a deer. - Clueless Guy
<Click, dial tone> - CPW
Are you there, aren't you going to do something about this? Hello, are you there? - Clueless Guy
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There are always things that are rude toward other hunters even on public land, however what you did was not one of them, congrats. Many a time I've looked at other hunters in the field and said to myself " you son of a bitch" perhaps them going after an animal I'm watching or other actions that show no common courtesy whatsoever.
The only thing I can think of that he might have reported you for would be if that area happened to be a state section, which is illegal to camp on state ground in CO, correct me if I'm wrong. Might be why that outfitter has that area, if he leases that state section or he operates on the boundary of that section, knowing nobody else will. Does CO enforce the no camping on state land? Or the guy was just being a complete A hole, wouldn't nearly be the first time
I'd love to know what he "reported" you for. I can just here the conversation with CPW.

Hello CPW, how can I help you - CPW
Yeah, I was on public land and another guy killed a deer and I didn't. - Clueless Guy
So you were both on public land? - CPW
Yeah, and he just came in and killed a deer. - Clueless Guy
But you were both on public land, correct? - CPW
Yeah, I mean it was all public land I was there and he showed up and got a deer. - Clueless Guy
<Click, dial tone> - CPW
Are you there, aren't you going to do something about this? Hello, are you there? - Clueless Guy

I almost spit out my coffee!!! LOL!!!

I wouldn't be as nice as you guys, simply telling him to 'pound sand'. I tend to swear a lot, especially when confronted...actually I swear a lot in general :cool:
Congrats on your first buck. It is to bad that there are people like that RICHARD HEAD you ran into.
I can't see much to be upset about...unless you passed their camp on the way in, away from the trailhead and were nearby. But even if you were, public land is public land. Your proximity to their camp might be the only thing in question, and even then nothing illegal, maybe just ethical, depending on how close you were.
Public land is public land. If the guide doesn't like it then he should stop guiding on public land. Doesn't sound like you did anything rude or unethical. I would say the same thing if you camped 200 yards from him and hunted the same area. Sounds like he was just trying to hold a spot and that means nothing to me. Obviously if he was hunting or had a client then give them space.
Had the same thing happen to me a couple years back, I asked the outfitter if he wanted my CID and phone number so the warden could get a hold of me. He declined... bluff called.

I agree with those above, sounds like this jerk was just trying to push you around. Nice work on the buck!!
How far were you from the other camp? Your story makes it sound like you were next to him.
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