Public Lands causing Loss of Sleep


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2002
I am constantly having to explain to people back East about the stupidity of the Transfer of Public Lands. While there are millions of us who travel out West for both Hunting and non Hunting activities, there seems to be a lot of folks who have never ventured out to see the wonders of the West.
I try to explain about all of the National Forests that they are familiar with back east. What would they do if next year if they drove to the Ozarks or the Ouachita NF in Arkansas and there was a gate where they used to have their Deer Camp or where they Mountain Biked? A tract of Public Land might just be a small local tract that some folks take a walk with their dog, but it means everything to them and you have to focus on that feeling.
Last night I had a pretty brisk exchange with a Ted Cruz voter who has never been on a Elk hunt or topped a Mountain on the back of a horse or Mule to see what I have seen in the past. My worst fear is one day I will stand at a fence and wave my hand toward a mountain and tell my son or grandson that I used to hunt Elk and Mule Deer up there behind this gate. John
I am constantly having to explain to people back East about the stupidity of the Transfer of Public Lands. While there are millions of us who travel out West for both Hunting and non Hunting activities, there seems to be a lot of folks who have never ventured out to see the wonders of the West.
I try to explain about all of the National Forests that they are familiar with back east. What would they do if next year if they drove to the Ozarks or the Ouachita NF in Arkansas and there was a gate where they used to have their Deer Camp or where they Mountain Biked? A tract of Public Land might just be a small local tract that some folks take a walk with their dog, but it means everything to them and you have to focus on that feeling.
Last night I had a pretty brisk exchange with a Ted Cruz voter who has never been on a Elk hunt or topped a Mountain on the back of a horse or Mule to see what I have seen in the past. My worst fear is one day I will stand at a fence and wave my hand toward a mountain and tell my son or grandson that I used to hunt Elk and Mule Deer up there behind this gate. John

I'm with you there. Makes me sick to think about it.
They may not know or care about it because they grew up not knowing anything else besides small areas of National Forest or state Parks. Maybe they are used to going on a hunt on a friends 40 or 100 acres.
Perhaps many of them have never been someplace in the mountains where there was no private property as far as you could see.
They have no idea wha would be lost to all of us forever. Once our public land is gone it's gone forever.
Maybe they are indifferent on the matter because they figure since they don't see it it doesn't effect them.
Don't forget it is our tax dollars that are supporting a lot of them.

Paying for Public land is the best money I ever spent.

John, keep fighting. One thng to also consider is the economics of public land. Over $60 billion of economic activity comes from public land and provides millions of jobs, from entry lelvel to entrpeneur.

The Outdoor Industry Assn. has a good tool to show you the outdoor recreation economic impact for each state (above).

I'm with you there. Makes me sick to think about it.

Scary indeed. I made a long post on Facebook (which I rarely go on) about the Transfer topic because I have seen enough to want to do my part. I had some people on board, but one that was questioning "big gov't" and I had to describe the situation more for them. I think unless involved like we are, many Americans are going to be in the dark on this one... time to shed some light on it
...../. My worst fear is one day I will stand at a fence and wave my hand toward a mountain and tell my son or grandson that I used to hunt Elk and Mule Deer up there behind this gate. John

I share that same fear, John. I watch your advocacy on this topic with admiration. Like many, you live in a place where a daily connection to public lands is harder to come by. Yet, you are doing great work in spreading the message to those who by distance or geography have a harder time understanding what is at stake. I hope you keep it up.

If ever there was a cause for the hunters of our generation, keeping public lands public is that cause. That scenario you speak of will not happen on our watch. We will not allow it to happen.

Keep up the great work.
They may not know or care about it because they grew up not knowing anything else besides small areas of National Forest or state Parks. Maybe they are used to going on a hunt on a friends 40 or 100 acres.
Perhaps many of them have never been someplace in the mountains where there was no private property as far as you could see.
They have no idea wha would be lost to all of us forever. Once our public land is gone it's gone forever.
Maybe they are indifferent on the matter because they figure since they don't see it it doesn't effect them.

No, Do you remember recently when Plum Creek sold out to Weyerhauser and everyone was so worried about access? Back in my youth and into my early 20s Timberlands were wide open for us to hunt, it was like what we are fighting now with the State Transfer of Public Lands. I am talking about walking through miles of beautiful forest and creeks, so I know what giving up is about in this fight. John
No, Do you remember recently when Plum Creek sold out to Weyerhauser and everyone was so worried about access? Back in my youth and into my early 20s Timberlands were wide open for us to hunt, it was like what we are fighting now with the State Transfer of Public Lands. I am talking about walking through miles of beautiful forest and creeks, so I know what giving up is about in this fight. John

You may be walking through miles of timberland BUT it is privately owned timberland. They could take away your access at any moment.
They will have to take my life if anyone tries to take our public lands.
Fences,private property signs hanging on Our Public land will not be tolerated by me.
Fence & gates will be removed.
Same with my firearms,no one is going to take them as long as I'm alive.
My cousins husband in California is all on the Ted Cruz train and I have tried explaining to him what it would mean for us who depend on out public land here in MT if Cruz is elected, but he doesn't seem to get it. He lives outside of LA so i wouldnt expect him to know where I am coming from but I keep trying to get it through his head that the transfer of public lands is a terrible thing for everyone...
Everyone I speak with here in AL, I bring this issue up. A great local example - TVA could make hundreds of millions with the riverfront land they have in North AL - giving those lands up would mean we can't do this:

My wife and tiny girl hunting partner will be chasing pronghorn very soon on the BLM.

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