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Proposed 2016-17 MT elk hunting changes


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2015
Was wondering if the local MT folks have a better understanding of what I saw on the FWP website today. I typically try to hunt central MT(411, 511. 530) on the general elk/deer combo. I see that they have a proposed shoulder season for next year running from 8/15/16 into Feb of 17. I have some concerns about the shoulder season in itself, but one of the questions I have is this... are hunters participating in the shoulder season going to be able to use firearms prior to archery season? The elk I have been around in this area, high tail it high into the National Forest,or go lounge around on a private ranch where they know they are safe soon after the first sound of a rifle. Very concerned about how this could impact archery hunting. Just wondering if I am misunderstanding something here as I will admit that I haven't had the opportunity to read all of the shoulder season posts yet. The below came from the FWP website.

HD 411: Establish Shoulder Season General license valid 8/15-2/15 but not valid on National Forest lands
Make 411-00 B License (quota 400, range 100-600) valid in HDs 411, 511, & 530.
004-00 B Licenses valid 8/15-2/15. Not valid on National Forest lands or FWP WMAs
It is a ridiculously bad "plan." You're running out of time to have your voice heard if you want to get this changed, though I highly doubt anything can be done to change their stance at this point.
You are not misunderstanding something and have a good reason to be concerned.

Here is one of the latest threads on the subject -

ok thanks. there was some great conversation in that thread. i submitted my comments. Have placed a call to my dad and told him he should head into the meeting in Lewistown tonight and see what folks are saying. Not that he can change anything, but at least get a better feel for things.
Confirmed at the Lewistown meeting last night. Rifle Hunters will overlap bowhunters on Private, State, and BLM lands in 411. I asked FWP how that is safe, and was told "I sure wouldn't be out there."
Confirmed at the Lewistown meeting last night. Rifle Hunters will overlap bowhunters on Private, State, and BLM lands in 411. I asked FWP how that is safe, and was told "I sure wouldn't be out there."

That is not good at all.
The way this proposal is worded, it will also be going on in some National Forests.

Hopefully MBA is all over this.
Hopefully MBA is all over this.

The department has not fully advertised their evil plans in my opinion. The MBA, and the TBM are just catching up with this nonsense. One of the FWP commissioners was not even made aware of the overlapping seasons. (I had to tell him...) We need more than the MBA & TBM, we need every archery and rifle hunter to express their displeasure of this nightmare properly or someone is going to get killed.
I talked to a local today who was able to attend. Aside from the very serious safety concerns, it sounds like there was some discussion about proposing different options for areas east of the Red Hill Rd vs west of Red Hill Rd. Hunters know where the majority of the elk reside east of Red Hill and understand that a majority of those elk really aren't "huntable" due to the access issues, yet those elk numbers are counted and considered when deciding target objectives/etc. IF, and only if they have to open the season on 8/15 I just don't understand why they couldn't restrict it to archery equipment vs turning rifle and archery hunters loose at the same time. Sounds like a lot of the folks in the room were going to send in their comments/concerns. I sent mine in today.

Archery is so much fun. Even if you don't fill a tag, being able to watch the animal and learn your lessons for the next hunt is part of the experience. I think that will be lost once someone starts cracking off 300 yd shots at the herd you have spent the day trying to get into bow range of. A real bummer if this takes place.

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