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NV draws

T Bone

Well-known member
Jan 8, 2001
Eastern Idaho
I have fairly reliable info that results will be posted Monday the 1st.

Word is that total number of applicants is up, but more than 50% are points only.

Golly, I hope I don't pull too many sheep tags.
Hope you are wrong T Bone, Will be posted today the 29th, looks like. Called, asked, and that is what they say, anyway..
results are posted. I suck x 7. Thought I'd get something this year.

MT and the raffles are my last hopes of a NR tag. Not much hope to be had there.
No love for me and son. Not sure how that could happen. We averaged 5 deer points on our party app. Last year, our second choice had 16 tags.

Of hunters applying last year, 1 had 4 points, 4 had 3 points, 3 had 2 points, and 11 had 1 point. I know things can change, but if things stayed the same as last year, we had a 97+% chance of drawing one of those tags.

Maybe things changed drastically, as far as what other hunters were applying for, and more guys with lots of points jumped into this unit. Or, maybe we were unlucky beyond what seems reasonable.

Oh well, such is life.

A friend did draw an elk tag, so it will be fun to help him on that one. He has some real bad arthritis problems, that come and go. Unfortunately, they seem to increase with cold weather. He has been undergoing some treatments and can get around a little bit.

I promised him if he applied for NV elk, and drew, I would take him to NV and we would find him an elk. So, time to step up and deliver my promise to him.

Here is a link where I took him deer hunting last fall. He was in the worst shape of all time, during this hunt. I am hoping he continues to improve some, or this elk hunt will be a real challenge. he is a great guy, with a great sense of humor, so it will still be a lot of fun.

Hope you drew what you were looking for.
YEAH BABY!!! Picked up a somewhat coveted tag as my 2nd or 3rd? hunt choice! :hump: So, I'll be headed out for the early season (Oct 5 - 20) in the hopes I can bump into a decent muley buck. Condolences to those that didn't draw this year...especially you, Randy. But hey, you're more than welcome to join me if you want! :D
Drew Antelope Areas 078, 105 - 107, 121

and Mule Deer 116L

Had a cow tag last year and a bull tag the year before.
O for 7 in NV!!

I am hoping for one more good tag this year, but the list is getting shorter:

NM - Elk, antelope, deer
MT - Sheep, goat, moose, antelope
ND - Deer and antelope
WY - Deer

Good luck to everyone else!
Caribou Gear

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