New from Oregon


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2021
Hi Everyone,

I thought I'd post a little bit so you all could get to know me a bit. I live on the east side of Oregon, just outside of Bend. I spend every minute I can chasing big game and fly fishing all over the NW for steelhead. I'm a full time professional photographer but a long time dream of mine is about to happen next year when I purchase a fly shop from a very good friend of mine who is about ready to retire. I'm deep into reloading and shooting, about to start 3 gun and long range competitions this year....I've been practicing my 3 gun quite a bit. Here's my bull from 2 years ago, I didn't draw any elk tags this year.

Hey, welcome to the forum. look forward to some of your input.
Nice bull, let me know when your deal is done. I need a couple hundred flys every year, may as well keep it in the family so to speak. Didn’t get a bull last year, but finished my season with a pretty nice bow.
Welcome aboard


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Welcome @Bullbrl ... I’m also a “neighbor” from over in Prineville.
PM me the name of your shop, I’ll have to pick up some flies for the Crooked and Deschutes👍🏻
BTW no Oregon tag for me as well last year, had to scoot over the hill to Idaho.
Welcome from Southern Oregon. I'll be sure to pop into the shop next time I'm up there.
Welcome to the forum! Just curious, what type of photography do you do most?

Thanks everyone, good to be here.

For a job I shoot mostly commercial architecture, some interiors, and some custom home stuff.
As a hobby I do mostly stuff while I'm on the water fishing and some landscape.
Welcome from Baker City, very nice bull....hope all your plans work out. I can imagine after we all get "back to normal", Bend ought to be busy as he!! with flyfishers. Best of luck.
Welcome from Baker City, very nice bull....hope all your plans work out. I can imagine after we all get "back to normal", Bend ought to be busy as he!! with flyfishers. Best of luck.
Thank you!

It's been busier than normal since this whole lockdown thing started. People are flocking here like you wouldn't believe. The fly shop, and all fly shops that I know of and have talked with have said the same thing. For many people, more time on their hands leads to more fishing....many of my favorite spots on the river which are normally devoid of people had lots of traffic.