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New from Oregon

Welcome! I hunt around Bend quite a bit and love it up there. I’ve always wanted to get into fly fishing, keep us updated when you get the new shop.
Welcome, from a fellow Oregonian—nice bull! Hopefully I’ll be living out in your neck of the woods in a couple years. That’s terrific about you living your dream of owning a fly shop. I used to work for Jeff at The Fly Fishers Place.
Hi Everyone,

I thought I'd post a little bit so you all could get to know me a bit. I live on the east side of Oregon, just outside of Bend. I spend every minute I can chasing big game and fly fishing all over the NW for steelhead. I'm a full time professional photographer but a long time dream of mine is about to happen next year when I purchase a fly shop from a very good friend of mine who is about ready to retire. I'm deep into reloading and shooting, about to start 3 gun and long range competitions this year....I've been practicing my 3 gun quite a bit. Here's my bull from 2 years ago, I didn't draw any elk tags this year.

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