Nature Conservancy - Fraud and Theft!


New member
Apr 2, 2002
Nature Conservancy - Fraud and Theft!
By Sheriff Mike Cook

Many times in the past I have made comments about the Environmentalist's using the cause and their organizations to get large sums of money and make themselves rich. Each time I get e-mails and letters from people who say I was totally wrong and way off base. I have even stated that the concern for the movement had been totally absorbed by those who were after the money and not the cause. Again I was chastised by those who believe the cause was pure and that people within the cause wouldn't use it for that purpose. Well now I get to say I told you so.
There is now a Senate Committee in Congress investigating the Nature Conservancy. If you don't know, the Nature Conservancy is a non-profit charitable organization. They have been taking the money they get and buying land all over America. They buy this land then add development restrictions to it, then it is resold for less money. The buyers of this land then make tax-deductible gifts to the nonprofit, Nature Conservancy. Does this rouse your curiosity yet?

Now here is the big one. It seems this organization has been making large, no interest loans to their employees. Such as a $1.5 million loan to President Steven J. McCormick and a $500,000 mortgage extended to California state director Graham Chisholm. Boy, wouldn't you and I like working for an organization like that? Some sources say the loans are then "forgiven" and they don't have to pay it back.

Now the Senate committee is also asking for the land sales records to government agencies, including appraisals and any profits banked by the Natures Conservancy. They are also asking for records and a list of grants from other nonprofit organizations like the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, the National Forest Foundation, and the National Park Foundation.

I don't know about you, but I smell something real bad in all this. It is my belief that I was right on the money when I said they are in this for the big bucks and nothing else. What makes me mad, and should make you mad as well, is that they are doing a lot of this with our tax money! They are abusing the system to get everything they want, using taxpayer money to do it with, and they don't pay any taxes.

With any kind of luck, they will get what is coming to them in the way of justice. But what will be done about all the damage they have already caused? Will the government go back and right these wrongs? I don't think that will happen at all. Those people will probably walk away with a big grin and all the money and land.

We try to raise our children the right way and tell them crime doesn't pay, and that honesty is the best policy. Then they see things like this and former President Clinton beating the system by lies, cheating, and crime. How in the world can a parent prove to a child that this is wrong when people who do it are never punished for what they do? This must come to a stop, and the people of America had better wake up and demand a stop to it or we will be lost forever. I still believe that truth, justice, and the American way are the best, however I think they are slowly proving that it no longer exists in Washington D.C.

One answer is to be careful who you donate money to, who you vote for, and to become involved. Everyone has been upset at one time or another when hearing about organized crime or if they were a victim of crime. Well, this is the same thing. You and I are not only the victims, we get to pay for it!. As victims we have a right to demand justice and I believe we should. Write letter's, send e-mails, or make phone calls and demand justice. You will feel better and be able to point out the right thing to your children for a change.

God Bless America.
God Bless our troops, still in harms way.

Michael E. Cook, Coos County Sheriff, Retired.

this was posted especially for it!!!, I know sherrif
Mike is one of his favorites
Yepper.....A direct quote from Ithaca "Here's a guest editorial in today's paper about The Nature Conservancy written by a friend of mine. I think The Nature Conservancy is a great organization."

And another one..."1 pointer, Instead of starting another new organization it might be easier to get involved in one that already has an infrastructure set up, like the Nature Conservancy or Nat'l Wildlife Federation. many groups are so small and overworked at the state level that four or five people could get involved and take over the group and set their own agenda."

And he is a prophet also...."the good that they (Nature Conservancy) have accomplished over many years of work can be wiped out in the matter of minutes. "

And not to forget 1_pointer....."I went to a talk at the Utah Museum of Natural History that was given by the state office of The Nature Conservancy. It was enlightening and encouraging to hear what the organization has done and is currently doing in UT. At the end of the talk the speaker addressed the future concerns that the TNC is facing. First and foremost, the attitude of the people. Their main focus is to overcome the societal and religious enforced mindset that we have to overcome the natural world."

I'm sorry.....but this is the best one yet from Ithaca......"My own impression is that TNC is doing a great job. I know some of their employees and directors and they're all very smart and dedicated. I doubt they'd be involved in anything that they didn't think was a good organization. They're very avid hunters, too."

So do associate with these "winners". I guess a winner is the one who screws the other guy out of the most money, eh?.....Spoken like the true scum you associate with.

For the record, I do not give money to the Nature Conservancy and never have in the past, and have no plans in the future.

If you read the first post by Michaelr, there are precious little facts in the post, as it is merely an opinion by some retired sherriff. Is there any reason we should care about this retired cop? And what is his agenda? That makes me as curious as anything.

I have posted before, that TNC is too big for my tastes, and I don't feel they can effectively represent my issues. And with large organizations, you will have the high overhead of big salaries, loans to employees, and similar, just like every other company in the world. I don't know why the loans would be illegal, private organizations do them all the time. I am not up on that part of Law, but I don't think there is much fire behind the smoke that the retired cop is concerned with.

Are there good people in TNC? Yes... Are there bad people in TNC? Yes....

Are there good people in Hunttalk? Yes (me!)

Are there bad people in Hunttalk? Yes (those that dissagree with me!)

Generally you have to have some valuable skills that the organization needs, and as a way of recruiting people, the loans are made. It is pretty common. Usually the terms are no interest for a period of years, and then the loan is forgiven, if the guy stays. If he leaves, then he has to pay the loan back.

I have seen them in a couple of different companies I have worked for, and they end up being a "recruiting bonus" to help the person move across the country and buy a new home.

I don't know if you can sign up for them, you have to be willing to ask for them when you are negotiating your compensation package. They are not that scandlous, as long as the tax treatment is handled correctly.
mike and whitedeer, Don't you guys ever get tired of looking like idiots?! mike, I notice you once again conveniently forgot the link so the other readers here couldn't see what kinda looney tune source you're using.

Here are some more of the dear sheriff's musings. Read some of this stuff and and tell us what you think!

I do hafta agree with the looney tune sheriff on one point though. He says my home state of Vermont is a great state. Back there we understand about guns, not like you wimps out in the Western states. We pass good sensible laws and we know shit from shineola. You feeble minded big talkin' welfare cowboys are nuthin' but hot air.
Here's what the sheriff says. Too bad he's not smart enough to spell Vermont:

"Alaska Joins Vermot As A Free State
By Sheriff Mike Cook

I must tell you all that the State of Alaska is now the newest state on my list of top states to live in. You see, like the great state of Vermont they have passed and signed into law the right of every honest citizen to carry a concealed weapon and they don't need an issued permit to do so...."

Take a look at the sheriff in person! Anyone can see he's the type all Americans should emulate!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-24-2003 21:54: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
I do know a little about this organization. A couple of years ago a nieghbor of the inlaws passed away and the property went up for sale. My father inlaw had the high bid for the 8,600 acre place for $86 an acre. The nature conservancy went in for $138 an acre and got the place. Within a couple of months sold it to the the South Dakota game, fish and parks for more and the inlaws now lease the hay and grazing and are fighting the county about the tax increases for the area. Between the out-of-state hunters and other organizations and what they are paying for 30 acre plus cow land it's hard to compete.
Anyone want to buy a 14,000 + acre working cattle ranch? The ranch to the South just sold to a group of Eastern lawyers for $262 and acre for a 5,800 acre ranch. Any buyers? How bad do you want to hunt? That's obviously what it is coming to.
More rhetoric from the good sherrif. I still don't know why we care about his opinion on TNC?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Now we have two issues that affect many people all at once. One is the use of "government land" for grazing and other things like logging and recreational uses. Then the topper to it all is the battle over something that is very precious to all humanity, water. This may be the straw that broke the camels back in this pending war between the states. The government wants to control it, and the enviro types want to force the government not let anyone use it. They are using every un-Constitutional law they have shoved down our throat to stop this use. When that fails they go to the court system until they find a judge who agrees with them.

Now you see why I'm worried. I believe we are headed for one big blood bath in this nation. One that may divide this nation and cause harm that will never be repaired just like the last civil war. I do know that our enemies are sitting back licking their chops, just waiting for this to happen. Our only chance is to elect people to office who will return our rights and freedoms to us and down size government. If this doesn't happen and we go the other way it will be war like we have never seen before. I pray to God that doesn't happen.

God Bless America.
God Bless our troops, still in harms way.

Michael E. Cook, Coos County Sheriff, Retired.
Troy, you ought to try buying decent farmland around're lucky if you get it for less than $1000/acre. There's no such thing as 5800-acre ranches, either, except for a few huge "big money" corporations. I know a fellow who bought 100 acres of "good for nothing" property (already timbered, too rough for farming), paid $350 an acre for it, and was thrilled! The point being, what you're seeing now has been going on for years, and you're lucky that it's only just now getting to your neck of the woods.
I'd like to have mike and whitedeer explain to us why we should care what the looney tune sheriff's opinions are. The poor man is obviously having a problem getting both oars in the water at the same time!
It's interesting to me that mike and whitedeer have chosen Sheriff Cook as an authoritative spokesperson for their side!
If I couldn't do any better than that I'd give up.

Welfare ranchers read crap like that in the Sierra Times and say, " Ol' sheriff Mike shor hit the nail on the head that time! The country's goin' ta hell."

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-25-2003 08:27: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
Gunner.....the following is a bio on Sheriff Mike:
I care for what he thinks because of his pro-gun stands. He has been working to get a "Kennesaw Resolution" for Coos County, OR.

Bio-for Mike Cook
I was born and raised in Coos County Oregon. After graduating from Bandon High School in 1965 I joined the Navy. While stationed at The Great Lakes Naval Training Center I met and married my wife of 35 years in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I was then assigned to River Patrol Boats (PBR's) in Viet Nam. I was discharged from the Navy in 1969 and returned to Coos County with My wife and family. My wife Pat and I have raised three daughters in Coos County. They have all married and we now have three Grandchildren, Two girls and one boy.

Law Enforcement Career
I started my career in 1971 by joining the Coos County Sheriff's Reserves. On June 1st, 1973 I was hired full time by the Sheriff. In 1976 I was promoted to Patrol Sergeant and in 1977 assigned additional duties as the SWAT Team Leader. In 1979 I also assumed the duties of Range Master for the Sheriff's Office. In 1982 I was assigned as Sergeant in Charge of Investigations. I returned to criminal patrol in 1984. In 1992 I was appointed Sheriff of Coos County to fill out the last two years of Sheriff Tarno's term as he was elected to the state legislature. In 1994 I was elected to a four year term as Sheriff. I retired January 1st, 1999.

Pro-Second Amendment Activities
I was fortunate in that my father-a world war two vet- was a life long member of the Nationl Rifle Association and an avid shooter and hunter. I started shooting and hunting almost from the time I could walk. My father always told me the importance of our Constitution and freedom with infuses on the right to keep and bear arms. From my start in law enforcement to date I have made this my personal crusade to protect the Second Amendment and the Constitution. Over the years I took many oath's to do just that. After becoming Sheriff I was asked to write a weekly article for a local paper by the editor Jim Bice. I have used that not only to communicate with the people I served, but also to talk about issues around the Second Amendment and gun rights. While serving as Sheriff I was also honored by the National Rifle Association and was asked and served on the Law Enforcement Committee for three years. After retirement I have devoted more time to this crusade. I was honored and asked to continue to write for the local paper which also lead to a contact by Mr. Ed Wolfe who worked at Sierra Times which maintains a news and information web site, they print my weekly articles in the editorials section of the web site. This has allowed me to get my information out to the public over the years. I continue to crusade for the freedom and rights we a free American's enjoy.
And how does his "bio" qualify him to talk about issues regarding TNC, wolf reintro, water law, etc.?

He should stick to NRA topics, he wouldnt sound so ignorant that way.

Typical of so many rednecks, "well he supports the NRA, he's a second amendment everything else he says is the gospel" Now back to the latest in NASCAR, Monster trucks, and the WWF...where the hells my confederate flag when it needs a good waving?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-25-2003 09:08: Message edited by: BuzzH ]</font>
While I don't think his opinions on a environmental issues or all politics (coming bloodbath civil war?) are all spot on, I do agree with a lot of what he has to say concerning the 2nd Amendment...and at least he is saying and doing something besides sitting on his ass talking on a web forum.

And I bet he does have an ATV.
Well Fly......It just goes to show just how ignorant a snot nosed kid is when he thinks he has been educated with a "woods" degree. He certainly doesn't come across as a "know it all" as you do Buzz. Here is a man who has served his country (take special note, Buzz) and cares about the conservative issues at hand. I haven't seen where he has championed any wolf or water issues, but he has definitely addressed hunting rights such as the use of hounds for bear and lion hunting and addresses issues of legal concerns (which he does have a background in) and most importantly to me.....he is a conservative speaking out in a primarily liberal media.
Whitedeer said, "I haven't seen where he has championed any wolf or water issues"

Oh, I disagree, he most certainly has.

In fact, his stance and lack of credible knowledge on a whole host of topics has been previously addressed here in SI. He's not shy about spewing garbage on all sorts of topics way beyond his credibility level. He has the right and can say anything he wants, but he's a wing-nut, and he's wrong...

Oh, and yeah, he does have good points on the second, but he sure as hell is lost in space on the wolf issue, TNC, etc. etc. etc.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-25-2003 09:42: Message edited by: BuzzH ]</font>
Sherrif Mike ROCKS

Buzzy wouldn't amount to pimple on sherrif Mike's Ass

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-25-2003 11:47: Message edited by: michaelr ]</font>
whitedeer- First and foremost, I would like you to explain to me in simple terms what you took exception to in the quote of me you posted?

So, the TNC gives money to those who work for them. What about the RMEF or any other non-profit organization that has nation-wide members and or interests? Paul, what does the director of FNAWS make a year?

I agree with gunner's assessment that there are good and bad people associated with TNC. Though I don't agree with everything they do, I have yet to find an organization that has saved as much land from development here in the US. Often times this land is then turned over to a government agency, albeit at a profit so as to preserve more land, which is then open for many different uses. Wasn't it Co. Oak that had the opportunity to elk hunt on some TNC land in Colorado last year?

Troy- Do you have a problem with them buying the ranch? I guess I was unclear as to your take of it.

FWIW, I don't give any money to TNC as my wife controls that being she makes the 'lion's share', but I do volunteer my time.
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