My Redneck European Adventure

Awesome!!! I knew you'd do it! Congrats to you both, that's getting it done. If I were there I would buy you both a pint.

I love those little deer.

By the way I'm the same vintage as both of you.
This thread has been a fun one to follow. Big thumbs up to Devon Deer for his generous assistance (and support of BHA) and congratulations Dave N for being the lucky winner and actually pulling it all together. Traveling anywhere out of the country adds a whole new dimension to the hunting trip, and it has been instructive to follow along with your preparations. Hope the rest of the trip is equally enjoyable.
Congrats to all involved. It's been very enjoyable following this thread. Now some sleep for Dave and hopefully more English countryside pics for us. That looks like a pretty good rack, right?
No real clue how big, don't think it's anything to get excited about unless you are an American! It WAS unusual with the additional button/burr at the base of one antler.

Sleep felt great! Maybe the seagulls found out I wanted to start killing them and they gave us a break from the all night screaming! Getting things all packed up for the next portion of our travels. The sun is shining once again and it looks like it will be another nice day in England.
As has already been said, I've really enjoyed following your adventure to the land of the noisy seagull and will hate to see it end. Richard is a real prince for making the opportunity available and does seem like a great host and guide. Even if you hadn't scored, just look at the beneficial exercise, weight loss, and cultural exchange which resulted.......Congratulations!
Congrats! Very fun thread and very cool how this all took place.
Good on you Richard!
Regarding your seagulls, on my recent Roe deer hunt in Romania I think the villa where we stayed was a Coo coo bird roost. At first I thought there was a coo coo clock gone on the fritz and then I realized these were the real deal. Those little buggers are kind of cute at first until you are trying to catch some shut eye after a long sleep deprived trip and they just don't stop coo cooing.

Enjoy the rest of your adventure, you're off to a grand start.
Thanks everyone! It really was a fun time. Here's the finished product. Thanks ONCE AGAIN to Richard for his hard work. He even stuck himself skinning the skull out. Looks like I drew blood TWICE with only one shot!

IMG_2479.jpg IMG_2480.jpg IMG_2481.jpg
We left Richard's place earlier today after having a very nice chat with both of us gents and our wives all together. Turns out we have plenty of similar backgrounds and experiences! We had to pry ourselves out of the chairs to get moving down the road. Really was a good time with lots of laughs. Yesterday my wife and I drove out to Castle Drogo just a short way from his house. Quite the place, and construction is going on to help stop water from entering the building. My wife Lori really liked the gardens they had there. She got a firsthand view of the narrow roads with hedges on each side. There is barely enough room to drive your car through, let alone meet anyone. When that happens one vehicle has to back up to a wide spot or field entrance/driveway. Sorry, no pictures of this. I didn't want to stop in the road long enough to take a picture!

Today we headed West into Cornwall. We stopped in Launceston and toured the castle and church there. Pretty amazing architecture.

Hmm, having a problem loading some of my pictures. May have to wait until I get home to play around with them.

We traveled farther on down the road and figured we had better find a hotel for the night. Richard said it might be hard to do since the kids were out of school and families were traveling. Wouldn't you know, the first place we stop, no room. Kept going West, and got to Camborne. Getting pretty close to where we want to go tomorrow. FINALLY found a place to park and then walked a ways to find a hotel. First one we hit, no luck. Try the one across the street. Went there, BINGO! They just had a cancellation. We got a "family" room (a really NICE room) and were pleasantly surprised with the price. Super nice room in a pretty fancy place for 109 Pounds! Thought it would have been double that. Works for me! Especially when it was a mad search just to find a room in the first place!

To be continued sometime tomorrow...
Thanks everyone! It really was a fun time. Here's the finished product. Thanks ONCE AGAIN to Richard for his hard work. He even stuck himself skinning the skull out. Looks like I drew blood TWICE with only one shot!
Firstly, thanks for all the kind comments, but it was my pleasure to help support the BHA and in return for Dave's generous donation, make it happen for him, ok i worked hard, but the pressure all ended up on Dave's shoulders when the buck was in his cross hairs.

He forgot to mention, on our way to one hunt we nearly got wiped out by a crazy young tractor driving lunatic, i'm still not sure how i avoided us being crushed under his wheels in the narrow lane.

The doctor wanted to stitch my finger, i told him to just stick some steri strips on it, i think it was my Havalon that did the damage. The doctor asked 'was it a clean knife?' i replied 'it was before i cut off the deer's head!'
He got his own back, a course of anti-biotics and no drinking whilst i take them!

Not sure if Randy is reading this thread, but don't worry the adventure will be over soon and you can have your forum back, that is until later this year when i create one titled 'The great white hunters Montanan adventure!' a joke between me and Dave!



I'll try this again. This church was built in the early 1500s and is still used today. Walking through the cemetery produced a find of headstones from the mid 1700s!

16th century church.jpg

Found a new flavor of potato chips. (crisps here)


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