Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Moosie Challenge 2012


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Here is the Jan 1st Moosie challenge I'm kicking off on FB. Several of you wanted in so I'm posting an Example on here of the layout for feedback before I Email out the Excel file.


Moosie Challenge Explanation


Workout (Light): This consists of light activities such as walking, slow bike riding, light weight lifting, etc.
Workout (Hard): Any activity that makes your heart beat faster and sweat. Running, Biking riding, etc.


24 oz of water: Drink water folks.
7 Hr’s sleep: Sleep is important, we all need to work on a good night’s sleep to rest after workouts.
3 servings of fruit and veggies: Eat better, holidays are over, hide the chocolate.


Read/Study: I left this broad. If it’s educational you can listen to a book on tape.


Date Night: Go out twice a week with your Signifigant other. Or at least spend some time together. Sitting on a couch, not talking and watching TV doesn’t count as a date night slackers !!

Family Night: Spend time with your family one evening. If you’re not married spend time with your parents.


Pick 2 things you want to work on. If you want to do something “more” start with zero and add “up”, if you want to do something “less” start with 120 and work down. This can be ANYTHING.
Example: Mine will no “NO CUSSING” and “Learning a language”. Max points on each elective day is 120 so on the no cussing I start with 120 but -20 for each bad word. On the learning language I start with 0 and +20 points for each 10 mins. I study it.


FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions ):

Q: If I’m at the gym for 45 mins, is that 40 mins or can I round up to 50 mins ?
A: Look slacker… If you need to round up to get points you are missing the boat on my challenge.

Q: What does Yoga fall under?
A: I’d put it as a waste of time, but you can put it under light workout if you want.

Q: What consists of Date nights.
A: Seriously ? Get some help !! If you don’t know, talk to a marriage consoler ;) Ok, it’s not timed and you don’t have to leave the house or anything. But do something 1 on 1 and leave the pesky kids behind. Try leaving your phone behind too and checking FaceBook while out will give you minus points !!

Q: Can I switch an Elective?
A: NO !! Pick something and stick with it Loser. This is a 91 day competition. It’s not forever.

Q: How do you know if we’re cheating.
A: I won’t, and don’t care. Like in Question #1 “you are missing the boat on my challenge.”
Next week I should have them out. I'll probably not Email them but upload a "blank" to Google doc's for you to download. I'll have a FB page set up with all the info on it.

Any feedback ? I tried to keep it simple so anyone from someone FIT to FAT can do it.
I'm in but I do have 3 surgeries scheduled for January 13th. I'll be light duty for about 3 - 4 weeks at best.
Doesn't apply to me, but if you are single, date night is easy points on the board!!!!!!!!!!! Somethings never talk back or have a headache.

Miller cannot count date night as throwing the frisbee with guNR.
Moosie, I think this is a really cool idea and a great way to help people stay on track with their goals. A lot of people ( including myself) have started "new years resolutions" but generally give up after a short time. I think using your system will help people stay on track, stay motivated and hopefully accomplish their goals. I would love to take the challenge and keep a daily log, it will be another reason to stay on track of loosing weight......I'm in
I'm in. I think it's a great, organized way to nudge everyone. It helps because it feeds our competitive nature or sense of community (or both).

My oldest--who wants to be a Navy Seal--and I get up to work out at the gym from 5am-6am so he can be at school on time. No way am I working out in the evenings after a day of work and my tendency to stay up late at night kill me that early, but it's a great start. We usually average 3-4 days a week, but this week it was only once.

Thanks for doing this, Moosie. I think I'll even keep your electives--my Portuguese needs work so I can understand what my in-laws say about me ;) and I need to stop the swearing in case they start understanding me.

Question: Is chocolate considered a fruit or vegetable?

edit: and yoga is definitely a workout, maybe a heavy one. It looks way, way easier than it is. Flexibility=strength.
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Doesn't apply to me, but if you are single, date night is easy points on the board!!!!!!!!!!! .

How does it not apply to you ? You can date your blowup doll, it's OK !!!

A lot of people ( including myself) have started "new years resolutions" but generally give up after a short time. I think using your system will help people stay on track, stay motivated and hopefully accomplish their goals.

I think so too. I tried to keep it simple, but daily point tallys will get old to some after awhile. I think hearing about other peoples goals and seeing your points grow will be cool !!!!

and I get up to work out at the gym from 5am-6am so he can be at school on time.

So, I'm making motivational pictures to upload each day of the 91 days. One of my favorites is a 5AM one. I think it's on 1-4-2012 that I upload it. You'll like it if you are an early morning worker-outer :D

Question: Is chocolate considered a fruit or vegetable?

Counts either way..... Or a Choco shake does at least ;)
I usually hit at least 60 - 80 oz of water a day. Plus 12 - 24 of Pepsi. Stopping the pepsi will be on my list.
Count me in - this is a good way to stay on track with what counts, which gets tougher each year.
What does 20/10 min mean on the workouts? If I jog 4 miles and it takes 40 minutes how many points is that?
You get 100 points (50 for a light workout) for the first 20 minutes of the workout and an additional 75 points (25 on light) for each additional 10 minute block, up to one hour.

Anything after 60 minutes and you get a Cameron Hanes autographed poster, but no points.

In your scenario you'd get 250 points (100 for the first 20 minutes + 150 for the next two 10 minute blocks).
What does 20/10 min mean on the workouts? If I jog 4 miles and it takes 40 minutes how many points is that?

20 MIns is the minimum to workout. If you run for 8 mins it's not even a workout. My game, My rules ;)

You get 100 points for the 1st 20 mins and 75 for each additional 10 mins. If you work out (hard) for over 20 mins the next 10 mins should count as a little more. so for 40 mins it's 100+75+75=250

Anything after 60 minutes and you get a Cameron Hanes autographed poster, but no points.

Cam has his "BEAST MODE" starting in Jan but Emailed me about the Moosie Challenge. I'm sure I can get his autograph if you need it for motivation. He's a friggin stud, and I'm a fan, don't care what you haters say :D


Where do you sign up? I have been working out for the last couple of months, just tired of being overweight & this would be a cool way to continue what I am doing. I think my wife will like the date night as well.