& months till elk season!

If I can drop down to between 160 and 170, currently about 180, by elk season I'll be happy. It will be doable if it ever warms up so I can stand to be outside.
I don't have scales, but somewhere between 205 and 210 I'll guess. Ran a trap line this winter and the word ran is very descriptive. I lost, I'll again guess 10 lbs. Since the running stopped I've found what I lost. I'm with greenie, I just like sweets too much. I did stop drinking MT Dew after 30 years of dewing it. get it dewing it. I'm so F-ing funny. Usually spring building starts up and gets me back in shape. With the down turn I hope I can stay in shape.
I might run a half-marathon in a couple of weeks. I went jogging last weekend, first time running since August, so I suspect that's all I need. Have never done one of those before, but I hear there's a free beer at the finish line.. www.pub317.com
6'2" of solid muscle and 195#. OK since John knows me it was 245# and is now 235# in reality. I have been hiking a lot and doing some prospecting so the heart is still pumping and no soreness or cramps so I should be able to survive a hunt. If not then it will be a good way to go. At 60 and in this economy I could care less.
My goal is to lose 10 pounds by June, what are yours?

Not to make light of this yearly tradition....

But come on...10lbs in 4 months?? :rolleyes:

You crap that much in a week! :D

But what do I know...I'm 6' and a pound or 40 over weight tipping the scales at 242. :eek:
Not to make light of this yearly tradition....

But come on...10lbs in 4 months?? :rolleyes:

You crap that much in a week! :D

But what do I know...I'm 6' and a pound or 40 over weight tipping the scales at 242. :eek:

Flipper, I am 6'1 and 209 right now. So not that overweight to begin with for my hight. Then there is a the working out part that will add muscle mass about damn near as fast as fat loss at my fat percent if I do a crapload of leg work on the bike. Last fall I was 197 and the wife was bitching I was too skinny looking. Towards winter I bulked up from pigging out and then I lost a lot of weight after my "taint" injury from lack of bike and leg workout. yes that is right, lost some weight because my legs kind of shrunk even though my pants fit tighter in the belt area:rolleyes:
It's unlikely that you've ever looked "too skinny". Your wife has a fat fetish.

My weight fluctuates between 180-185, depends mostly on time of day, and whether or not I've had my morning coffee. I'm usually 185 when I wake up, and around 180 around 10AM.
It's unlikely that you've ever looked "too skinny". Your wife has a fat fetish.

My weight fluctuates between 180-185, depends mostly on time of day, and whether or not I've had my morning coffee. I'm usually 185 when I wake up, and around 180 around 10AM.

You lose some after you use your camera phone to record your birth around 10AM
Isn't there some Huntalkers going to AZ right now? Don't be pussy's and go get a burger:D

Imagine how good one of those burgers would be after a couple week Desert sheep backpack hunt, with the horns sitting in your truck.
After the Doc told me I was 201 a few weeks ago I decided I should probably do something about that. My wife and I started a program this week - diet, weights and cardio. I am hoping to get down to around 165ish. Also hoping to get into the sprint triathlons.
Imagine how good one of those burgers would be after a couple week Desert sheep backpack hunt, with the horns sitting in your truck.
After 10 days in the Frank Church looking for sheep last fall, I ran through a double bacon cheeseburger in Challis at a rate that scared some of the folks there.

Tim- What triathlon are you thinking of doing?
It's unlikely that you've ever looked "too skinny". Your wife has a fat fetish.

No, misery loves company. What it will take to pry her ass off the couch and watch "american idol who dances with the stars and got talent" on her stair stepper is a mystery to me:eek:
No, misery loves company. What it will take to pry her ass off the couch and watch "american idol who dances with the stars and got talent" on her stair stepper is a mystery to me:eek:

You, sir, are a much braver man than I... :D
How are you fatties doing? Likely not as good as me. ;) Five more weeks until hunting season...
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