Montana Wolf - The waiting is over!

Good luck. After reading this far I can see where my spare time is going this week.

My wife complains about cow calls before an elk hunt - yours are definitely tolerant.
Good luck Fin. I think there's a learning curve here. Time to get your feet wet. Have fun and enjoy all Montana has to offer. It's the best time of the year to get out.

If weather continues, our wolves will be on top of each other. That should make it easier. I hope.
This is awesome! Its gunna be sweet if you guys can get one down on film! good luck.
Excuse my ignorance, but who were the 2 "hunter groups" that tried to keep the wolf listed? I would like to know so I dont support them in the future.
Alrighty Then! Here we go Big Fin.

2-4 lbs of Wolf meat
16 oz of apricot preserves
1 bottle BBQ sauce
1/2 purple onion diced
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp garlic powder

Throw it all in a crock pot and let it cook for 8 hours. YUMMY!!

Ahhh booyy! this is gonna be good! I have been out sighting since rifle opened...saw them just about everyother time out it seemes during bow season...
Excuse my ignorance, but who were the 2 "hunter groups" that tried to keep the wolf listed? I would like to know so I don't support them in the future.

Since you asked, here are my thoughts on it. You will be able to quickly see who was "With us or again' us."

While hunting wolves in MT this week, it will be with great irony that I continue to think back to the many comments that were made criticizing MT and ID guys for not following the WY model. The loudest mouths, and as history show, the mouths with the least amount of knowledge on the subject, seemed to be associated with Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife (SFW) and Big Game Forever (BGF).

They railed on MT and ID guys as to how MT and ID hunters were supposedly nuts and were never going to get a wolf season. How Simpson and Tester were supposedly the anti-Christ to delisting progress. How WY had it all right and MT/ID were the cause for no hunting seasons. How bliah, blah, blah .......

Mostly the MT and ID guys were messing up the cogs on the money machine the wolf had become. We were close to solving a fifteen year old problem of getting state control of wolves. Without a problem and an enemy, who or what could be their cause for raising more money.

The wolf threads on MM last winter were so damn funny thanks to purveyors of such "wisdom." I know they read this stuff, as they love to repost what they read on Hunt Talk and share it over on other sites where they serve Kool-aid as a dessert to their donation requests, so I figured I would show my gratitude for how difficult they made the process for hunters here in MT and ID.

Please allow me this citation below as just one example for a guy who was a small player in the game, but always willing to make sure the press received his opinions, however informed or uninformed. His fearless leaders were even more accommodating to the cause of blind faith. Post anything about wolves on Monster Muleys and expect a rebuttal from this guy.

Judge doubts wolf split - Molloy questions whether law allows Idaho, Montana hunts without Wyoming.

By Bailey Schreiber, Jackson Hole, Wyo., and The Associated Press
Date: June 16, 2010

A federal judge in Montana expressed skepticism Tuesday that the Endangered Species Act allows the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to remove federal protection of wolves in Montana and Idaho but not in Wyoming.


In 2009, Fish and Wildlife removed a portion of the Rocky Mountain gray wolf from Endangered Species Act protection in Montana and Idaho. However, because of inadequate state protections for wolves, the agency chose to continue federal protection for gray wolves in Wyoming..........................

Others, including Bob Wharff, executive director of the Wyoming chapter of Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife, argue that individual states should be given the responsibility of managing wildlife within their borders. Wharff, however, does not believe this will be the outcome of this lawsuit.

“It’s a tragedy that Idaho and Montana will lose the opportunity to manage the wildlife as they see fit,” he said. “But in part, it’s their fault for being so critical of Wyoming’s management plan. ..............”

All I can do is take comfort in knowing who is hunting wolves this week and who is not hunting wolves this week.

Winter might be kind of boring this year without the likes of SFW and Big Game Forever to tell us how we need to be rescued from ourselves. Who can we rely upon to go and make false statements on behalf of NRA, SCI, B&C, CSF, and others they falsely claim to represent? Who else is going to ask us to send our money so they can lay the pipe to us behind the scenes? Who else will entertain us as they employ high school level damage control?

Now I read in Montana newpapers that the MT chapter of SFW is touting that we have it all wrong in MT because the quotas didn't fill right away. They were doing everything they could in the legislative session to screw it up, also. Makes one wonder if they really want delisting and the drought it could inflict upon the wolf money stream. Seems they have not read the MT management plan and the adaptive options it has, or maybe it is just a reading comprehension problem.

Seriously, I do hope you guys get your seasons in WY, and soon. Had to be some serious crow being served down that way when Gov. Meade cut a deal with USFWS.

Mightyhunter, Buzz, what you hearing about the next steps for the WY wolf season? Hopefully SFW and BGF can keep their mitts off things long enough to get it solved in WY.

Anyhow, Jon Boy, to answer your question, all you need to do is go back and read a few of threads and you will see what Sportsman for Fish and Wildlife along with Big Game Forever were doing to kill wolf delisting in MT and ID. There was a ton of it going on in February through April of this year and there are many more threads than the three quick ones I came up with.

The most comical threads were over on Monster Muleys where the worst public beat downs occurred. School was in session and many Hunt Talkers were giving chapter and verse to a very surprised, yet blindly committed group of SFW/BGF followers. Given they had invested so much money in these groups, maybe they had no choice but to follow blindly. The schooling was so brutal. It was almost like watching a boxer who is getting thrashed and will not go down. You almost feel sorry for them. ALMOST.

One of the funnier threads on MM linked below.

All the while these groups were taking donations from MT and ID hunters, then using it to try sink our hopes for delisting. A few of us knew what was going on behind the scenes and when the time was right, called them out, here and on every hunting website that discusses western hunting topics. The rebuttals and explanation of their actions were extremely entertaining.

Still lots to be done with delisting and preserving the hard fought seasons we have. I hope all of you MT and ID guys get out and hunt the wolves until the quotas are filled. There is no guarantee, so long as these cases are in the hands of courts.
Which 2 hunting groups are trying to stop the wolf hunts in Mt and ID? Send me a pm if it can't be posted! But I want to make sure I am not supporting these organizations?

Never mind already answered
Big Fin,

Concerning Wyoming, the last I heard was wolf hunting in the predator zone early in 2012 with trophy hunts by next fall. I am not sure, but I believe there is a rider inserted by Rep. Lummis in the pending budget joint resolution that would prevent further litigation on the subject of the Wyoming wolf plan. That may pass in the next week or so. I do know that the Wyoming Game and Fish has been quietly killing lots of "problem wolves". This was the first year of hunting in NW Wyoming where I didn't see any wolves or much wolf sign. I would guess that this is the result of the aforementioned G&F wolf kills and the SSS crowds. One drainage that I mule deer hunt is usually crawling with wolves, but not this year. Instead, it was crawling with grizzly bears. As you know, there is still a pending wolf case in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on the Simpson/Tester rider. An unfavorable ruling in that case, could derail everything. I am hoping that the battle is over in Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. I have no prediction on the ultimate outcome of anything the judiciary does. Unfortunately, the battle is just starting to rev up in New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado and Utah with the proposed introduction of the Mexican Grey Wolf. That battle may change the focus of the eco-elites from this area to that area. I read an article the other day about a collared wolf trolling real close to the California state line.
I might need a coat like that as cold as it is.............

Brandon, make sure you record the GRIZ game on Friday, i might miss it;)

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