Sitka Pre Season Savings

Matt Rinella gives a talk at Pope and Young

Only hunt one state per year, R or NR.
This is an interesting idea, which I believe @BrentD has proposed in the past as a means to address point creep. I wonder what it might actually accomplish, and how such a system might be implemented--let alone be agreed upon by hunters.

It would certainly make it more difficult for "content creators" to be constantly producing more material. But would this really help with crowding and access issues? Maybe. There'd be fewer people running all over the place. I know we like to throw around the fact that what we really should be focusing on is increasing access and increasing wildlife populations--but this is a slow, uphill battle that all the other forces at work in the world seem to grinding against. Not that those efforts shouldn't be paramount and continually pressed, but maybe some self-restraint is necessary as well.

Between the surge in population and development in the West, shrinking game populations, and legislation that is adversarial toward hunting or wildlife, it's hard not to feel like the well is getting near drying up. I wonder if some mandatory restraint might not actually help. You get one big out-of-state hunt per year, but the odds are, it's going to be great.

I'm sure there are a number of reasons why this is a dumb idea, but there are tons of examples from our history that show how some self-inflicted restraint has benefitted hunting and game populations.
You kind of prove my point. Media advancement has been a generational thing. From print to film to forums to youtube and social media to podcasts to whatever is next. Take away hunting from any one of those things forever and you would have different results. We can agree to disagree though.

no i don't disagree with that concept at all. that's a good point.

i just think we entered a new era that is beyond comprehension in comparison to before.

let's imagine, if you could measure such a thing, that the forums were contributing an additional 100 people of pressure a year to western states. then comes social media and you tube, that made it parabolic, so instead of 100/year i turned into 10,000 a year as a relative comparison. in hindsight, the forums were negligible in comparison.

impossible to prove with data, or at least i don't have the data. but to me it's just so vastly different to what was occurring before.

but perhaps before the forums the magazines were contributing 1/year on this theoretical relative scale i made up so the forums similarly caused a parabolic rise 🤷‍♂️
I do believe the larger media niches were going to be filled by someone. Imagine a world where Hushin was the only horseshit available. When I think of it that way it does make me appreciate Randy, and to a far lesser extent MeatEater.
And just like that, a hero emerges. Sad beige films for sad beige hunters.

Jeez I said I’m looking to ban social media I meant ‘I am certainly not looking to ban social media’ 🤦‍♂️
let's imagine, if you could measure such a thing, that the forums were contributing an additional 100 people of pressure a year to western states. then comes social media and you tube, that made it parabolic, so instead of 100/year i turned into 10,000 a year as a relative comparison. in hindsight, the forums were negligible in comparison.

impossible to prove with data, or at least i don't have the data. but to me it's just so vastly different to what was occurring before.

but perhaps before the forums the magazines were contributing 1/year on this theoretical relative scale i made up so the forums similarly caused a parabolic rise 🤷‍♂️
@wllm :) we need your charts. LOL
Of course bro, the ultimate predator never misses a chance to show the haters how alpha he is

gawd, if cam hanes could ever say more than 8 words without talking about his "haters" he might be semi respectable.

pretty sure rinella and newberg also have a chit ton of haters, but they move on with life.

but i guess that makes me a hater 🤷‍♂️
I remain unconvinced that both M Rinella and the worst of the Insta hunters aren't really chasing the same thing: the right to shoot the last one. Last elk in a drainage, last buck in the rut, last pronghorn on public. They may differ on who they let watch, but the entitlement to chase that last one down, whether free from the hinderance of other trucks at the trailhead or the burden of needing a film permit, distills down to the same spirit. Ain't just them either. It'll shut us all down eventually; us first, on the public. But eventually, it'll all get whittled away because there will never, ever be a shortage of sportsmen that'd sell every one of us out to get one more for themselves. Perhaps Zuckerberg put that on front street, but he damn sure didn't manufacture it outta thin air.
gawd, if cam hanes could ever say more than 8 words without talking about his "haters" he might be semi respectable.

pretty sure rinella and newberg also have a chit ton of haters, but they move on with life.

but i guess that makes me a hater 🤷‍♂️
Dude this is hateful af to say, but him talking about Roy Roth all the time is kinda weird.
If he genuinely misses the guy that much I feel bad for him, but it’s kinda become part of his schtick.
It was super awkward when he started trying to retell it for the thousandth time on meat eater.
Again, I’m a pos and he’s probably genuinely grieving the loss of a close friend. 🤦‍♂️
Also, this is kinda related to the cucking of the outdoor world.
Has anybody heard about the mtb market taking a nose dive this year.
I was watching some vids in yt yesterday where a dude was showing some steeply discounted bikes from major manufacturers and saying the reasoning behind this was because they had way too much inventory.
Maybe things will stead to cool down a bit.
Dude this is hateful af to say, but him talking about Roy Roth all the time is kinda weird.
If he genuinely misses the guy that much I feel bad for him, but it’s kinda become part of his schtick.
It was super awkward when he started trying to retell it for the thousandth time on meat eater.
Again, I’m a pos and he’s probably genuinely grieving the loss of a close friend. 🤦‍♂️
It’s like he’s playing the character of cam Hanes
It’s like he’s playing the character of cam Hanes
Sometimes I feel sorry for the influencers, it is in fact your livelihood so you can’t really take a break. Kill a couple elk in a year, take a scary fall skiing, whatever can’t just say I’m going to be mellow this season, you’ve gotta keep doing it to pay the mortgage.

I think a lot of folks are playing the character and the cracks are starting to show on some of them.

I dk about Cam, but Janis… that dude needs to get a desk job I feel like his insta is a cry for help.

“I don’t want to be an influencer, I don’t want to be a sidekick anymore”
Sometimes I feel sorry for the influencers, it is in fact your livelihood so you can’t really take a break. Kill a couple elk in a year, take a scary fall skiing, whatever can’t just say I’m going to be mellow this season, you’ve gotta keep doing it to pay the mortgage.

I think a lot of folks are playing the character and the cracks are starting to show on some of them.

I dk about Cam, but Janis… that dude needs to get a desk job I feel like his insta is a cry for help.

“I don’t want to be an influencer, I don’t want to be a sidekick anymore”
I firmly believe in the principle of never making your hobby your occupation, for these exact reasons.........
Steve could prob beat Matt in a marathon.
But Matt’s just a much bigger dude and I’m assuming he’s got a descent gas tank.
The bone structure in his face is much more favorable for taking a punch.
Steve has a thin little glass face like an ultra runner from Colorado.
Matt’s got some big ass hands too.
Bro you fuggin kill me 🤣🤣🤣

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