Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Matt Rinella gives a talk at Pope and Young

I agree very impressed that P&Y was willing to have him knowing his position in opposition to many of the clubs initiatives. As a club we are not monolithic, there are members like myself that have issues with the direction the club has taken. I can say the same about other orgs I am life time members of. P&Y specifically I don’t question motives or intentions, even though I disagree with some of the messages or the way we go about funding the initiatives. Some place like WSF a I absolutely question motivations as it apparent that they work towards greater and greater exclusivity for the benefit of small subset of hunters.

Matt makes some fantastic and readily apparent points, the more I listen to him the more I agree with him. We have monetized wildlife at the public’s expense and the detriment to the majority of Hunter’s.
I hate that I’ve been slowly radicalized by Hunt Quietly. I feel like some of the joy of hunting has been sapped a little bit the last few years and I’m not sure why. Maybe Matt Rinella’s ideas are filling the void. I’ll listen to this eventually.
My guess is Matt Rinella paid his own travel expenses (post-tax, like the common man) and food/hotel in Reno for the P&Y convention. Speakers fee from P&Y? Maybe?

Whereas, his brother & Newberg travel pre-tax (deductible business expense) and are wined & dined by their sponsors when they attend similar conventions to speak about conservation (while also slinging product).

Kudos to P&Y for having him speak. A little easier for P&Y to do so than Don Peay and Utah Hunt Expo for example.

Matt's podcasts can be a little rambly, but this presentation was very well done. And Matt's not making a dime, unlike so many others that just don't know when to stop talking/selling.
I hate that I’ve been slowly radicalized by Hunt Quietly. I feel like some of the joy of hunting has been sapped a little bit the last few years and I’m not sure why. Maybe Matt Rinella’s ideas are filling the void. I’ll listen to this eventually.
Yeah, after I started paying attention to Matt Rinella I really can't look at hunting social media anymore, even from the people I know. I'm convinced 90% of people shoot turkeys for an Instagram pic.
Yeah, after I started paying attention to Matt Rinella I really can't look at hunting social media anymore, even from the people I know. I'm convinced 90% of people shoot turkeys for an Instagram pic.
Be careful not to blindly drink the Koolaide. He makes some good points from time to time but almost all of his conclusions and recommendations are made solely from personal opinions of his and not from any scientific data at all. Note how many times he says "Now I'm not an expert but". He is blind to how many problems there are in some of these access programs and the fact that they get abused. Not against him but I wouldn't follow him as a leader that's for sure.
Be careful not to blindly drink the Koolaide. He makes some good points from time to time but almost all of his conclusions and recommendations are made solely from personal opinions of his and not from any scientific data at all. Note how many times he says "Now I'm not an expert but". He is blind to how many problems there are in some of these access programs and the fact that they get abused. Not against him but I wouldn't follow him as a leader that's for sure.
Yeah, I've heard stories of the BMAs that only let their buddies on and take a cut from FWP, but those might just be from salty hunters. The only BMAs I haven't been able to get on are the ones I missed the date to meet with the landowner or because I didn't get selected in the draw (run by FWP, not the landowner) to get access.

I've spent a lot of time thinking about many of Matt Rinella's main points and I've found its hard to formulate a good counter-argument to them that makes any sense.
Yeah, I've heard stories of the BMAs that only let their buddies on and take a cut from FWP, but those might just be from salty hunters. The only BMAs I haven't been able to get on are the ones I missed the date to meet with the landowner or because I didn't get selected in the draw (run by FWP, not the landowner) to get access.

I've spent a lot of time thinking about many of Matt Rinella's main points and I've found its hard to formulate a good counter-argument to them that makes any sense.
He presents real problems but his solutions are either impractical or do not address the root cause of the problem. You have to treat the causes not the symptoms. Take de-foresting for example. You don't blame social media for telling people how great forest products are.
He presents real problems but his solutions are either impractical or do not address the root cause of the problem. You have to treat the causes not the symptoms. Take de-foresting for example. You don't blame social media for telling people how great forest products are.
What is the root cause of the problems?
Matt would and probably has f****d Steve up.
Steve could prob beat Matt in a marathon.
But Matt’s just a much bigger dude and I’m assuming he’s got a descent gas tank.
The bone structure in his face is much more favorable for taking a punch.
Steve has a thin little glass face like an ultra runner from Colorado.
Matt’s got some big ass hands too.
Steve could prob beat Matt in a marathon.
But Matt’s just a much bigger dude and I’m assuming he’s got a descent gas tank.
The bone structure in his face is much more favorable for taking a punch.
Steve has a thin little glass face like an ultra runner from Colorado.
Matt’s got some big ass hands too.

i always felt like steve has some disproportionately sized mitts.

here he's using them to sling products in his garage much to matt's dismay.

one smack over the head with that hefty clunky overpriced spotter...

Im not saying he can’t scrap, I wouldn’t want to fight him, but I think Matt stops him early in the first with punches or a submission.

this why we need them mano a mano in a cage with rogan on the mic

loser has to embrace and help fulfill the dreams of the others venture