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Interesting Prompt For Discussion - Deer Butchering in Public

Since I can't be bothered to drag a whole deer out of the woods, I think I'm going to get signs made up of every deer I kill and put them in my yard like political signs. Maybe I'll add some cool slogans to them.
That sure seems like surrender to me. You gotta fight fire with fire, you give up ground it’ll never be regained.
Personally, I would rather hunt than fight.

I guess it doesn't really matter though, how much we hunters offend those nonhunting wussies who get upset by the display of a little dead animal.

Until they vote.
Personally, I would rather hunt than fight.

I guess it doesn't really matter though, how much we hunters offend those nonhunting wussies who get upset by the display of a little dead animal.

Until they vote.

It doesn’t matter who anyone votes for. Government is a pyramid scheme shrouded in a dog and pony show to keep the masses enthralled watching the news and fighting amongst ourselves.

So I agree. I just wanna hunt and be left alone.

Now get off my lawn!
It doesn’t matter who anyone votes for. Government is a pyramid scheme shrouded in a dog and pony show to keep the masses enthralled watching the news and fighting amongst ourselves.

So I agree. I just wanna hunt and be left alone.

Now get off my lawn!
It isn't who they vote for, it's what they vote for, the most effective weapon of the anti-hunters, is the ballot box. Around the country, we have lost hunting bear with hounds, Baiting bear and trapping. there was one state, I recall, that wanted to start a dove hunting season. voters said no.

You can fight the good fight and still loose, but you will never lose the battle that didn't happen. When the battle is inevitable though, it is better to have more allies than enemies.
If I head to the polls to vote and see an initiative to ban hanging deer from trees in Pennsylvania I’m out!!
I’m sure it would have wording so complex that I’d need an attorney to translate for me.
Do you truly believe that's a possibility?
Absolutely. When we lost baiting and hound hunting bear here in Oregon and California lost cougar hunting, it became clear that they weren't going to be able to stop hunting all at once but by witling away one piece at a time they would eventually achieve their goal. The ani-hunters don't have the votes to do this on their own so they enlist the help of the non-hunter who wouldn't think hunting is a problem until they are sickened by seeing a dead deer hanging from a tree in front of a school.
I'm a hunter that lives in Richmond VA, a liberal city in a southern area with a history of whitetail hunting. I wouldn't butcher a deer in my front yard (in front of a school in his scenario) for several reasons but a dead animal in a town full of vegetarians/vegans has to be top of the list. While the man did nothing wrong in my opinion, it can definitely be seen as disrespectful.

I feel like we get so wrapped up in what is 'right' and 'wrong' that we forget about neighborly respect and decency. If someone doesn't want to see a dead animal being butchered (or they want to keep their kids from seeing it), I'm not going to put one up in my front yard across the street from a school.

I think he did a good job trying to put tarps around it for the initial hanging but I would've brought it inside for the butchering of the animal.
Being offended is a symptom of a society that is so well off the general population has almost no problems in their daily lives and manufactures reasons to have problems.

You don’t see being “offended” by single moms working 2 jobs in the inner city, miners spending 12 hours a day underground, people that have terrible diseases, or their family members do. There’s no time for it. It’s a completely manufactured human emotion to fill the void.

There’s really no fixing it is is the way it is until some disaster resets it.
I agree in part. No doubt that when hand-to-mouth concerns are settled folks find other places to be dissatisfied - the proverbial first world problems.

But even when times are good for many - it does not mean there are no opportunities for improvement. The challenge right now is deciding which “first world problems” should be pushed. Monetization of wildlife? Excesses of out of state big game hunting? Is the ESA working the way it was intended? Poor management of game populations? Outfitter overreach? Public schools vs vouchers? Police conduct? Prison population? The physical assaults that still happen to LGTBQ populations? Obesity? Industry consolidation? Nuke vs solar? Etc. etc etc etc.

None of these would be “talkers” if we were in a true second Great Depression or WW3 - but that doesn’t mean when not in those existential moments one or more of them shouldn’t be taken up. And once you push any of these issues there will be hurt feelings, outrage, offense, sense of loss by incumbents and pissing matches.

A world of silent bliss is an illusion. Sure we may have relatively quite decades here and there, but the entire 250 year American experiment has been colored with social/political conflict on the emergent issues of that day.
I agree in part. No doubt that when hand-to-mouth concerns are settled folks find other places to be dissatisfied - the proverbial first world problems.

But even when times are good for many - it does not mean there are no opportunities for improvement. The challenge right now is deciding which “first world problems” should be pushed. Monetization of wildlife? Excesses of out of state big game hunting? Is the ESA working the way it was intended? Poor management of game populations? Outfitter overreach? Public schools vs vouchers? Police conduct? Prison population? The physical assaults that still happen to LGTBQ populations? Obesity? Industry consolidation? Nuke vs solar? Etc. etc etc etc.

None of these would be “talkers” if we were in a true second Great Depression or WW3 - but that doesn’t mean when not in those existential moments one or more of them shouldn’t be taken up. And once you push any of these issues there will be hurt feelings, outrage, offense, sense of loss by incumbents and pissing matches.

A world of silent bliss is an illusion. Sure we may have relatively quite decades here and there, but the entire 250 year American experiment has been colored with social/political conflict on the emergent issues of that day.

That’s the good thing about a free society. We can and will have hard discussions and problems that absolutely will piss off/offend people. When people stop being offended we’re in trouble. Either a big problem or we’re all thinking the same.
It doesn’t matter who anyone votes for. Government is a pyramid scheme shrouded in a dog and pony show to keep the masses enthralled watching the news and fighting amongst ourselves.

So I agree. I just wanna hunt and be left alone.

Now get off my lawn!
I agree that government is a mess - one that has little chance of picking the right issues to address or the right solutions once addressed.

But it is not some secret cabal/ponzi scheme that makes it so. It is the lack of appreciation (followed by action) that who is in congress is rarely determined on a Tuesday in November, but rather it is decided in local precinct meetings in February, in a caucus in March or primary in June. It is the selection of party nominees that drives our political world, not the selection between those resulting two nominees. Due to history, geography, demographics, cultural self selection, “bubbles”, gerrymandering, etc, the vast majority of political positions are held by party A or party B, not by Bob or Sue. The only way to affect the vote in congress is to get Steve and Sally on the ballot instead. But only the most rabid of partisans on both sides bothers to do the work in Feb, March, June, etc. and so they “win” before we vote. If we whined less and engaged more it could look very different.

But as of today, our government is exactly the government we the people have earned - there is no cabal - we have met the enemy and it is us.
I agree that government is a mess - one that has little chance of picking the right issues to address or the right solutions once addressed.

But it is not some secret cabal/ponzi scheme that makes it so. It is the lack of appreciation (followed by action) that who is in congress is rarely determined on a Tuesday in November, but rather it is decided in local precinct meetings in February, in a caucus in March or primary in June. It is the selection of party nominees that drives our political world, not the selection between those resulting two nominees. Due to history, geography, demographics, cultural self selection, “bubbles”, gerrymandering, etc, the vast majority of political positions are held by party A or party B, not by Bob or Sue. The only way to affect the vote in congress is to get Steve and Sally on the ballot instead. But only the most rabid of partisans on both sides bothers to do the work in Feb, March, June, etc. and so they “win” before we vote. If we whined less and engaged more it could look very different.

But as of today, our government is exactly the government we the people have earned - there is no cabal - we have met the enemy and it is us.

I have no cabal conspiracy, I just think that 85% of our elected officials are there to make themselves rich and gain fame/power. Just like everything else in todays society it’s mostly fake, they go on fox or CNN and bash the other side, but in reality they are all in it together. Some I think get in it for the right reasons then realize it’s a mess and get the “if you can’t beat ‘em join em” mentality.

Give me a congress full of single moms from the inner city working 2 jobs, and some foreman off construction crews. They know how to be efficient on a budget and won’t take bleep off anyone.
Here is what my back yard looks like from end of September through the end of the year. Usually have neighbors checking out the hanging tree and drinking my beer as we admire the groceries. On the other side of my backyard is the local butcher but USDA doesn't allow wild game to be processed there.20221119_195614.jpgScreenshot_20221215-091102_Photos.jpg
After watching the news clip, I think folks on this thread are more concerned with this story than anyone in the video clip.
I agree. I actually just talked to a guy who has kids that go to the school and lives around there. He said most people he talked to about that when it made the news got a good laugh out of it.

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