Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Interesting Prompt For Discussion - Deer Butchering in Public

"Call me old fashioned, but I think kids should be informed about where their food comes from… I mean, at what age is it “appropriate” to explain to little Timmy that those chicken nuggets he’s been hammering for breakfast, lunch, and dinner come from real life chickens that he sees at the local petting zoo."

i didn't fully read the article, but i read the above quote at the beginning.

i mean, call me old fashioned, but i think kids should be informed about where the food comes from when and how their parents decide to inform them.

there's a reason i close my garage door while making euros and cutting up animal quarters.

why TF do people think this shit needs to be flaunted?
I don’t hang deer in town where public can see. We used to back in the 1960s through early 1980s off our basketball hoop that was bolted to our garage 60’ from the street. Town of 5,000 in an agricultural portion of the Midwest.

Would hang until the next Saturday afternoon then would butcher with friends along with deer they got that week. We would toss the bones and scraps in a gulley on one of our farms.

We stopped when sold that home and moved to the big city. Now we break the animal down in the garage as soon as can enough to finish trimming and packaging on the kitchen counter. Bones and scraps go in the trash bin for weekly pick up. I have neighbors that likely have no idea I butcher wild game once or twice a year.
My childhood neighbors had the decency to hang them in the backyard. The curious neighborhood kids could approach from the alley and have a look if they wanted, but the more squeamish folks weren't forced to see anything they didn't want to.
Yes, he did nothing illegal. That said, the 1st amendment gives me the right to call someone an a$$hole, but if I do, I should be prepared for social consequences, up to, and including a fat lip.

When all else fails, try not to be a prick.
Right lol...the news team has footage of him butchering... maybe I'm just exceptionally awesome at everything, but I liked to think I'd have that deer quartered up and out of sight before Ross Guidotti and the Channel 2 news team arrived on the scene.
I find if I don't hunt where I can get a deer out whole, I don't have to deal with onlookers while breaking it down....

In college, our fraternity was on a corner so there really wasn't an out of view place to skin and process deer, etc. But we sure didn't do it on the front lawn. I skinned one in the back patio on the ground and just rolled it side to side.

That fella was trying to make a scene, or really dumb.
I'm not going to call the guy a moron because the news portrayed a story a certain way...

When I was a kid, we used to hang out deer in the garage then have the garage door open while cleaning for better airflow. Some neighbors didn't want to see that, so they didn't look. Others were intrigued and came to chat about our hunt. It was part of life where I was.

This scenario can be played out in a million different ways. If you don't want to see a dead animal, don't look that way. I don't really want to see 2 gay guys making out on the street corner, so I don't look... Sure, I'd rather people do their thing behind closed doors, but I understand that it's not always probable or possible. Maybe this guy didn't have a garage, or it was full.
don't you mean they should start doing it on the sidewalk?
What I mean is as long as it is NOT breaking any laws it is his business. If they don't like it don't look. ALL WE keep doing is backing up some day we are going to say how come we can't hunt anymore and where did my gun go. STOP BACKING UP.
What I mean is as long as it is NOT breaking any laws it is his business. If they don't like it don't look. ALL WE keep doing is backing up some day we are going to say how come we can't hunt anymore and where did my gun go. STOP BACKING UP.

yeah. someday after the feds seize all of our guns and outlaw all hunting we'll for sure be looking back saying "damn, if only we butchered more deer next to public school playgrounds during recess and posted more pictures of pronghorn with holes blown through their chest on the internet with #rackemandstackem this wouldn't have happened."
Bullshit folks need to stop being ass holes
They used to tell kids “Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.”

In my bow hunter ed course here in MT we had the whole “10% hunt, 10% hate it, the other 80% are indifferent, behave yourselves to keep them indifferent” talk.

Also, pushing buttons like Mr. Science Class News Guy there seems like a swell way to get more BS municipal laws passed like “no butchering outdoors inside city limits” that’ll affect the folks that take it to the backyard or the garage with an open door. Sometimes when you push the limits you invite new limits to be set.
Lol looks like this is the guys normal meat hanging tree...

If it was me I'd skip the hanging and quarter it in the field and toss it in the fridge or cooler. Looks like a pretty warm day to hang a deer outside personally.

If I was dead set on aging I'd put a game bag over the entire carcass and then cut it at like 6:45pm after schools out and it's mostly dark.

40.306622, -79.544769
