Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

I'm your huckleberry!

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Just saw this post with my morning coffee. You 'spose dkpeay was serious when he offerred to debate anyone?

Looks like some MM guys picked up on his offer to debate anyone and now are calling him to the task. All I got to say about that ........

"I'm your huckleberry."

"Say when Donny!"

I think about half of the views on this You Tube clip are mine. It has a lot of parallels to Donny Ringo making an offer to publicly debate anyone, even though he doesn't know who might take the offer. I suspect you can make that offer, if you don't plan on holding to the boastful claim.

S'pose he "was just fooling about?'

'Cause "I wasn't."

Yup, now that I thought about it for two minutes, I'm calling his bluff. I would love to debate him. Bring it on Donny.
How do you get a message to Peay? Perhaps if enough pressure is exerted through hunters' voices, then he will stand up or shut up. That particular debate would be much more interesting than any national political crap that will be aired this year.
I hope you do Fin because at least then i might understand what this is all about.
I think i understand it but i dont want to make a fool of myself making any comment living as i do in the UK.
Oh, wait a minute, reading between the lines, they have a hidden agenda, can't be trusted, those on high abuse their position, pretend to be acting in the best interest of hunters whilst abusing the tag system for the wealthy, is that about it?
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I would watch this, and enjoy it as well. Randy is well spoken, and I would be excited to see him take on the challenge.

The "Tombstone" references are great, btw.
I can see some awfully great potential here, but on the other hand there's the sage advice that says you shouldn't argue with an idiot because he'll bring you down to his level and beat you with experience. And there's no bigger idiot out there than DKP.
Bigfin, I hope you guys get the specifics worked out and do this thing. Don needs his ars handed to him in a bad way.
Randy isn't a much of a movie goer but one of his favorite movies is Tombstone. If you ever hunt with him you'll probably hear a quote from that movie sometime during the hunt.

The I'm your huckleberry is one of my all time favorites. It would be a great camp in my mind to hear those references repeated.
I see the defenders are out now, asking folks to drop the topic, quit beating a dead horse, etc. Always funny how he and SFW have a crowd of vocal defenders who come out when the fertilizer hits the ventilator.

Seems to much fun too not go through with this offer. It will be disappointing if he crawls back the SFW hole and does not follow through on his challenge. He should be thankful Ben Lamb was so kind to him and that Ben did not grant him a debate. Ben has volumes of stuff Don would not want published to the Kool-aid crowd.

Why Don, whatever do you mean? Maybe debate's just not your game Don. I know, let's have a spelling contest.

It appears my hypocrisy knows no bounds.
It's a shame that Don will never agree to this. The kool-aid crowd must be so proud to have a man with such a Yellow streak ,heading up their org , i mean cult.
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Keep at the quotes Fin, it is making my day! Oh yeah, and the fact that I have been able to get my popcorn and watch sfw squirm.

you've got the chops to take him out. Would love to see this aired on Fox TV. :)

I can imagine the email traffic right about now. Keep digging those spurs into him.

you've got the chops to take him out. Would love to see this aired on Fox TV. :)

I can imagine the email traffic right about now. Keep digging those spurs into him.

I would love to have an open public forum to show the mountains of evidence that demonstrates how askew his version of events are when it comes to wolves. To show just how messed up they have been on many topics in other states.

In my CPA firm, I did lots and lots of expert witness work. You always hoped for the case where the deck was so stacked in your favor. When you had an opponent so reckless with facts and the truth. Where you had stacks of hard evidence to counter all that would be said. Where you already knew what they were going to use as support for their case.

When those cases came up, it was almost like the night before opening day of hunting seasons. You didn't sleep. You knew your team was prepared and that barring some unimaginable event, the field was there for your team to walk away with victory.

This is one of those oppotuntities. I don't think they make a big enough asshat for this event, given the evidence that is there, with SFW fingerprints all over it.

I am serious. I would go anywhere, anytime, for a moderated debate. Some hot air blowhard back-slapping self-congratulatory revisionist history session, not qualifying as a debate. I am talking moderated debate of topics relevant to what always brings up the blog points, the forum fights, the newpaper articles. Topics relevant to the SFW plan to dismantle hunting management in the western states.

I am probably not the sharpest stick in the quiver, but the evidence is so voluminous and incriminating, that the kids across the street at the daycare facility could probably pull off a victory if I gave them the goods that are out there on SFW.

I see he has sent the diversion crew in. I know some of them are lurking here and reading this thread. Couldn't care less. I can see why he operates under the cloak of darkness. He has a house of cards to keep standing.

I think we need to start a pool where for $20, everyone can guess what day it will be when dkpeay finally comes to give his excuse why he is bailing out; to explain why he was "just foolin' about."

  • The winner who picks the date of recusal gets half the pot. The other half goes to some conservation cause to fight the works of SFW.
  • If someone guesses the date he comes out and agrees to my acceptance of his offer, that person gets all the dough.
  • If he completely dismisses the topic and never speaks to it, all the money goes to a "stop SFW actions" fund we all agree upon.
Given we have yet to hear from him, "It would appear that the strain was more than he could bear. "
Don will step up to the plate when hell freezes over. I bet he wishes he had not opened his mouth ,and invited anyone to a debate. That big ego jumped up to bite you in the arse didn't it Donny.''FACT''

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