PEAX Equipment

I'm your huckleberry!

Good job Randy, but did anybody really think this debate was going to happen? These guys are 1st class weasels.
Randy, YOU DA MAN!

Great stuff!

Don opend the door for you with his post and you slammed it shut in his face!!

You didn't just hand him an ass hat, you made sure the hat completely consumed him. Nothing left to see but a GIANT ass hat and his goofy clown shoes poking out from underneath that tight fitting GIANT ass hat!

I don't see how he could possibly ever recover from from this.

I truly feel bad for some of the good guys who were sold on the SFW spiel and went all in. I just hope that they are smart enough to see the light and find a reputable and honorable way to continue trying to do good things regarding their own personal conservation efforts.
I see SFW sent in their best and brightest. The one, the only, ABE.

Here is a thead where ABE and I had a little discussion on wolves last year.

It will link you to the MM thread that is now archived. Too bad Brian archived that one, as it would have been a great thread to resurrect now that we have a year to reflect on who was right and who was wrong.

I really wish I was one of the articulate intelligent SFW folks, rather than one of those "bitching entitlement minded folks" ABE seems to so despise. Life must be grand being included as the upper crust of hunters, as comes with the elite nobility of being on the Executive Committee of SFW.
I wish there was a friendly neighborhood U-Totem close by so I could get some snacks for this one. Better yet, an in-home elliptical machine so I could run myself thin, all while laughing.

The MM thread is unravelling so nicely. It's like a 7 Layer can of whupass being opened, layer by layer, each course more delicious than the last. The wolf emails are, of course, the guacamole. We're gonna need a bigger bag of chips. Guac and roll, Randy!

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