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I'm your huckleberry!

As part of the Arizona posse that formed to head off this worm over the last two months, I would love to see Big Fin debate PeaDK. The SFW has walked onto A league fields and showed they have C league skills, they are proof that money and brains are not remotely correlated.

If Don Peay thinks he has a prayer of righting this ship he needs to step up and show he can hang in a debate with the big boys. Randy would probably even let him have a big cup of SFW Kool Aid to keep his fangs wet (except that Kool Aid seems to cause incoherent rambling so that would be like reading most pro-SFW responses on MM). Maybe he should stick with water on this one.

Hope to watch the showdown, lots of white hats eager to see some action. Go get him Randy!

Ryan (Javihammer on most other sites)
Fin's put the spurs to him, that horse just wont buck
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Tombstone is one of the best of all time!

Forget the good guy/bad guy for a moment & picture Randy as Curly Bill and Don as Wyatt when Wyatt rides up in the wagon and tells Curly Bill ther're leaving and the way Curly Bill says, "well... By".

I can see that happening shortly after the debate started and Don's leaving with his tail tucked up nice and tight.
I taught high school in Tombstone right out of college (grew up in Tucson). A friend still has a ranch outside of town that his grandfather and grandfather's brother homesteaded about 15 years after the famous gunfight (interesting story there). I lived 1/2 block from OK Corral.

Back to the proposed debate --- the following might pertain to someone we haven't heard from lately ...

Sherman McMasters: "Where is he?"
Doc Holliday: "Down by the creek, walking on water."

Hmmm ... I wonder who?
Fin,sounds like the Don has spent some time thinking about your offer. Seems the Don has a nice tour all planed out for you.
Sounds like Don Peay is to big game hunting what Donny Beaver is to trout fishing. To them conservation means opportunity only to the highest bidders...

BigFin, I hope you get your debate.
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Holy Cow! I took a peak on MM and it looks like Don has accepted your offer for a debate. He does have some pretty stringent terms, specific date, time, his pick of a moderator, his pick of topics. Plus before the "debate" you have to get in his car alone with him for a drive out into the desert! Sounds like something the mafia would do with someone they wanted to silence.

I can just see it now..."So Mr Peay what happened to Randy while you where showing him around the desert?"

"Well officer, I was showing him one of the habitat projects that has done so much for the deer in Utah and all of a sudden a pack of 200lb wolves grabbed him and drug him off into the woods. If more people had donated money to SFW we could have stopped the wolves at the border and this never would have happened" LOL
Wow! I can't believe he will do it! Someone needs to record that so that I can see it! :D :D
Works for me. A debate is what we will have. Not a fireside chat.

The moderator must be both impartial and knowledgeable. The questions and topics will be the hard part. I say we use something very broad, but very relevant. The North American Model being the best idea.

I just posted such.

Only problem is that I have a Mayo appointment on the date he mentioned. Those get set six months in advance and usually take two or three days of tests. I will try to reschedule for this, but cannot guarantee it will be feasible.

If I can't reschedule that appointment, either we don't get to debate, or we do a different date. Shouldn't be too hard to sort that out.
If he didn't specify location, you can do it at the clinic-he should need medical attention afterwords anyway!!
Big Fin are you going to be able to film this thing and post it up here ,or should I go ahead and call the airlines? It seems that with your contacts inside T.V. you would know how to produce and distribute this event. The ''debate'' will be a waste of time if it cant be seen by the average guy who doesn't have time to wade through all of SWF's spin.
Big Fin are you going to be able to film this thing and post it up here ,or should I go ahead and call the airlines? It seems that with your contacts inside T.V. you would know how to produce and distribute this event. The ''debate'' will be a waste of time if it cant be seen by the average guy who doesn't have time to wade through all of SWF's spin.

I am not sure TV will be interested in it, but will be easy to record it and stream it on line. All it takes is for three or four cameras, with remote mics and stationary mics to capture the audio from both he and I, and the moderator(s).

Once it is recorded, it would be easy to edit and stream it. If I can find someone to film it, I will gladly have it edited and streamed here.

Will not be streamed live, but will be here for posterity for people to refer to.

Streaming online does not give the full view of the audience interaction, expressions of the moderator, or the body language of the non-speaking person. Those who can attend will get more from it. But, streaming should be helpful.

Should be fun. Hope it all comes together.
I cant believe Don offered to let Ben Lamb debate him as well...either Randy or Ben would mop the floor with Peay. Having both there, Don better keep one of his beady eyes on the nearest exit sign at all times...

What a tool...he's in wayyy over his head this time.

I'll take time off work to be sure I'm there.
I sure am glad that I'm not a betting man. I would have never guessed this Dud would meet with you on a debate. I noticed that he would like to soften the tone with a field trip.

I could car less about a piece of property that they got, and some range improvements there. For the amount of money that's been stuffed away, it's a small token. I might see about getting a caravan from the Root to head there.
I would love to watch! As long as I am not working, you can count on me being there!!
shoots-straight...I'll pitch in a tank of fuel for you guys in the root to get there.

LMAO, you just know that most of us have never been out of the Valley, and want to see a bunch of redneck inbreeds turned loose in the land of the Church of Jesus Christ and the latter Day Saints. Could be interesting.:D