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Grandpa and the kid


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2012
Unable to determine due to velocity
Headed far enough north to get roaming cell service from Canada this week for an early Turkey Day with my Dad. When a friend of my Dad heard that my son had a tag he invited us out to his 287 acres that borders the Kootenay River north of Bonners Ferry.

So the old man and I took the kid to the range as a prone shot would be likely.


We headed out for the "blind" set up which was two pallets tied to a T post....I think he saw it on Etsy or some DIY forum.


The whole fam damly got settled in, Grandpa made hot cocoa and coffee for everyone.

blind selfie.jpg

On our way in there was deer on the far end of the clearing, and either it was us or something else they didn't like that pushed them away. There was a buck in the group, but he was bedded just off in the cover and I spotted him in the sun. When we got to the blind, I never saw him again....and never saw him leave as the others did, but it was early.

About an hour later a doe showed up, but kept her distance. We had a knoll in between us and the boss said let's crawl up. "Really, it's kind of wet, and muddy and there's a few patches of snow left are you sure"? "yeah Dad, let's do this".

prone setup.jpg

The doe trailed away and behind hill, then I saw the buck from before. He was on the edge, feeding and it took him 20 minutes and a few more does in the field to realize it's the rut. He came to 280-285 and settled feeding again, he'd face us, then broadside, face us, broadside. The little man hung tough, doubted himself, got cold, needed his hands warmed, felt good, doubted and then finally settled in behind the scope.
"It's up to you, only if you're sure"
"I'm nervous"
"That's okay, only if you feel 100%, otherwise we can come back later"
"I can do it"

Bang......more like Pffft-flop.

his first.jpg

Ever since he passed hunter education I wondered what this picture would look like. I was so glad his first deer was with my Dad.
(sorry about the tongue)

....and Mom was there too.


There's an old saying, "nothing you say can hurt me, I use to hold the flashlight for Dad".....headlamps have fixed this.


Loaded up and headed home. I don't get many chances to have an animal whole and I plan to take full advantage.


Looking forward to many more hunts in the future, hopefully at least a few more with my Dad and the whole family.
Love generational field pics. Well done dads and sons. Well told as always jr.
Awesome hunt! Congrats to everyone. What secret dishes do you have planned for this buck since he came out whole?

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