Gaining Back Country Experience


New member
May 23, 2016
Hello All,

I have been trying to read and get as much information as possible for my first elk hunt, but there is only so much you can get out of a book before you need real life experience to teach you the rest. I am a bit hesitant to book my first hunt as I am from NYC and this isn't the most conducive place to learn how to survive in the back country. Are there any other city guys on here that can lend tips on how they prepared for their first back country hunt as far as setting up camp, navigating and any other woodsman-ship skills? Any tips are greatly appreciate.

You've got the Adirondaks right there in New York a few hours north of you.
Just get out and do it. You have to have food, water, shelter, and a way to stay warm. Same things you will need in the city. Everyone has a different idea of what constitutes wilderness but for most backpack hunting situations you will be within a half days hike of your vehicle. Depending on the area you are in that may be over ten miles or as few as two. If I'm a half day hike in you could take my food, water, and shelter away and it wouldn't become a survival situation unless there is an accident or major shift in weather. Plan ahead and think about what you're doing while you are out there. Little things like falling while crossing a creek or twisting an ankle can make a trip miserable or dangerous. Just do your research on an area. Get a good map and compass, and get started. Just remember the consequences to carelessness and poor planning become magnified the farther from help you are. Having a partner with you lessens the risk. Honestly I can't think of anywhere I would try to pack an animal or camp in and out of that I would consider more dangerous than NYC.