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First timer looking for advise


New member
Jan 12, 2018
I am 35 years old. I have zero points in every state. Late to the draw game but Randy has got me an itch to go out West that I need to scratch. I am going to apply in several states for several different species. When it comes to SHEEP I realize that my chances are very slim but want to start applying for one in the lower 48. I plan to apply for SHEEP in Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, Texas, & Utah. I doubt I will be able to catch the required preference points in any state to do me any good and plan to save $ for an Alaska SHEEP someday.

Unfortunately, I am just a regular Joe with limited funds trying to raise a family and really need to pick between a few states. In my position for SHEEP which of these states would you recommend for the best chance for me to draw a tag?

New Mexico -- I will use a guide
The hard reality is that the odds are beyond dismal in each and every state in the US. That doesn’t stop some of us from applying, but it’s grim. Plus, the non refundable costs to apply keep getting higher and higher. You’d be better off saving those app/point fees for your AK hunt. At least you have a guaranteed tag possibility up north.

If you’re dead-set on applying and comfortable handing over some $ each year to a G&F agency (not the worst way to spend some cash), then I’d look to ID or NM since there’s no point system.
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I'm not entirely sure we can take someone who noodles serious.
Thank you for the advise. I am sorry that I am so ignorant to the topic but what is Oaks raffles?
Thank you for the advise. I had been leaning that away with the no point system in those states.
I wouldn't focus on preference point states either. mathematically you are WAY too late in the game to ever draw a tag with preference points. i'd look at bonus point states or states that are purely random. UT draws most if not all NR sheep tags in their random pools, AZ draws most of their NR sheep tags in the random pools. MT and NV are bonus point states, CO is a bonus point state once you acquire the 3 preference points, WY has a few pure random tags that are decent odds, ID and NM are purely random states. I don't know anything about OR, WA or CA.

Join the Wild Sheep Foundation and their <1 club and go to the Sheep Show. you just might win a fully guided sheep hunt! MT Gomer on here won his there last year. damn near spilled his beer all over me when his buddy picked him up and spun him around the room! Raffles are another good option. many state WSF chapters raffle off sheep hunts for $100 a ticket with limited numbers of tickets sold. State game and fish raffles are another fairly cheap option.

I would recommend that you think hard about it. Your best bet is saving as hard as you can and go on a dall sheep hunt. thats what I did....then got lucky the following year and drew my rocky tag in ID as a resident! I spend over $1000 a year on non refundable application fees just for sheep. do what you can in as many states as you can and hope for a lot of luck and prepare for many years of disappointment.
Haha 406LIFE if you ever need advise on Nooding in Oklahoma I would be glad to hook you up. 020_20.jpg


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Thank you for the advise. I am sorry that I am so ignorant to the topic but what is Oaks raffles?

Oak is a member on here and he coordinates raffles in support of the Rocky Mountain Big Horn Society. I’ve come to terms that I will likely never draw and am fine with just supporting them. I choose to do that thru the raffles.
Haha 406LIFE if you ever need advise on Nooding in Oklahoma I would be glad to hook you up.

I will just have to live vicariously through you.

As for best chance at sheep:
1. Unlimited in MT: These are zones that you can get a tag OTC and try you hand. Several of us have kicked it around. Keep in mind, there is a reason those tags are unlimited.
2. More realistically put in for ID. Straight draw, no points. Plus if you put in for MSG, you can't put in for the other special permits, so that sorta helps.
3. Hope MT tries to eradicate another herd because of pneumonia and get 2 tags like me and fill neither of them.
I would tell you dont waste $ on points, apply to idaho or go to canada/alaska it will be cheaper in the end unless you get real lucky. Point creap is a nasty bitch! Good luck


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