Covid-19 Data, Models, References - NO DISCUSSION

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“ The first coronavirus case in the U.S. and South Korea was detected on January 21. Since then, South Korea has effectively contained the coronavirus without shutting down its economy or quarantining tens of millions of people. Instead, the Korean government has pursued a “trace, test, and treat” strategy that identifies and isolates those infected with the coronavirus while allowing healthy people to go about their normal lives. ”

What could go wrong

I’m not disputing this disgusting market took place somewhere but I forwarded the link to my brother in law who has lived in China for the past ten years, and he seemed pretty sure it was more likely to be Southeast Asia- Cambodia or Burma or elsewhere. He said the characters on the writing here unfamiliar to him And they weren’t speaking mandarin (he’s fluent). Also, the snakes are species he hadn’t seen and the skin tone of the people is a bit darker than most Chinese he has met. There were other cues too. Still gross though
Very Odd. From the article:

Travel forecasts from China for 2020, even amid the trade war, had estimated more than 8,000 daily arrivals in California. Two years ago, Los Angeles mayor Garcetti bragged that 1.1 million Chinese tourists had visited L.A. — more than 3,000 per day. The greatest number of foreign tourists to Los Angeles are Chinese, and the city is the favorite spot in America of all visitors from China. During the months of October, November, January, and February alone — before the travel ban — perhaps nearly 1 million Chinese citizens arrived in California on direct and indirect flights originating in China.

How, then, has California in the third month of known COVID-19 infections in the U.S. lost between 140 and 150 lives to it?
No data , models or reference but my opinion is we are barely getting started.

I agree, sadly. The new cases are still climbing. Cuomo from NY thinks they are three weeks out from their peak. I think most would agree that NY is further along in their problems than most of the country.
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