Colorado OTC DIY archery elk info


New member
Feb 16, 2016
Have never been out west before wana try something new any information would help me out planning a hunt for this September back packing up in and hunting from our camp, thanks in advance for any help
Pick a Unit to hunt.. Pick a spot to try
Get in shape..
Go hunt.. Put ur time in..
Good advise there ^.I would pick a few places to hunt in case plan A or B don't wrk out.Call local biologist or game warden for area your planning to hunt and ask them questions/suggestions.Make sure you get your legs very strong.The Rockies are steep and will turn untrained legs to jello quick.Core strength,legs and some cardio and you'll be fine
For a good time hunting, call 303 291-7526. The CPW has hunt planners waiting to guide you to the best hunt for your wants/needs. Free call. Planners can also tell you how to reach the DWM/wardens and biologists for any areas you want to research further. Good luck, hope to have you in CO this fall.
Young ,strong and in good condition and you will love archery elk hunting.Old like me,I switched to the rifle.
Also make plans on how to get the meat out.No good to kill an animal in place that is near impossible to retrieve the meat.
Weather can go from cool to extreme hot in a day.
Backpacking in to hunt elk sounds awesome when you can see yourself with that huge set of antlers strapped to your back, just like in the magazines. It is, however, the most difficult way to hunt elk. If you are in extremely good condition, and you know what you are getting into, it's doable. Lots of guys do.

Here are some things to consider:
Gear - backpack hunting in the Rockies will require some specialized gear: pack, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, tent, water purification, etc. If you are already into backpacking, you have a good start.

Food: You will probably go mostly with dehydrated foods due to the weight considerations, but you are going to be burning lots of calories with all the physical exertion of hunting, so plan on eating for 2 based on the package serving sizes.

Packing out an elk: So if you hike in 5 miles and set up camp, then hunt another 3 miles from camp and end up killing an elk, are you prepared to pack out several hundred pounds of meat for 8 miles over steep terrain?

I don't want to discourage you, but I do want you to be prepared. These are just a few of the many challenges that come with elk hunting and the many more that come from backpack elk hunting.

Contact me if you have questions.
Thanks for the info everybody got most of camping stuff for packing in and i should be in shape Im a forester cover tons of miles a day in all kinds of terrain it will be a experience, hopefully
The 2 bits of advice I can give are. 1) your body will only go as far as your feet carry it, so don't skimp on boots. 2) Hydrate. I bought a Sawyer Mini filter, Best $20 you'll every spend. 100,000 gallons you can run thru it. I use one of the big smart water bottles as my dirty bottle and then just fill 16.9 oz. bottles from it. I leave the big bottle at camp and carry 5 or 6 small bottles, and pack the filter for emergencies. When I empty a small bottle just crush it down, cap it and stick back in my pack to refill at camp. Those bottles weight nothing and are about bullet-proof.
Don't be afraid of hunting late in archery season. The last week of the season is nice and quiet in the places I've hunted and the elk talk a bit better
If your coming from out east, the elevation can be a factor. My hunting partner and I are from Wisconsin and he was basically sick with Elevation sickness all week. Drink tons of water. Talk to your doctor about a prescription or look at some of the elevation sickness products form Wilderness athlete and Mt Ops. DO TONS of weighted pack walking,step ups and hill work outs. If you dont have hills around you, go find a stadium or multiple flights of stairs and use them as much as possible. If buying any new equipment, focus on high end boots and a pack. The rest you can be more budget minded on.
Don't under estimate what it takes to get an elk out, it is alot of work. There is a reason the words "get in shape" appear in so many threads when someone new wants a little info on how to get started. It could be the difference between wishing you were dead or loving every second you spend out there.
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