Camofire - Buyer Beware


Aug 9, 2017
Hello Folks, Just wanted to share a recent experience with Camofire. Do with it what you will:

In early January I purchased the Sitka Coldfront Set - Jacket & Bib for roughly $750. Excited to get home and check it out when I saw from work that the package had delivered, only to find out it wasn't there when I finally arrived home. Checked out my Arlo motion cameras and nothing....

Reached out to Camofire immediately and advised them of the situation and I was told to wait a week as sometimes Fed-Ex drivers will fake scans to keep their deliveries up and then actually deliver the product later, and that they cannot file a claim within 10 days.. (Their words not mine.) I volunteered the footage from my cameras and was declined as not necessary. 10 days pass, and I reach out again and nothing. Eventually Camofire opens a claim with Fed-ex. After a bit more back and forth Camofire reps advise that Fed-ex has rejected the claim stating that the package was delivered. At this point it has been nearly a month, yet somehow they claim the driver specifically remembers making the delivery to my house(this was one of my favorite claims...), yet Fed-Ex couldn't provide the GPS scan verification to validate the delivery location and there was no signature required.. Subject to the claim rejection from the parcel provider, Camofire took the position is that I received the product and case closed. However, they would be happy to send a replacement at list price.. HA! After a few escalations we arrived at their final concession, I can buy replacement at their cost..

Worth mentioning I've been buying gear on Camofire since 2012 and spend more than I like to admit on gear there without issue. I also live on a dead end street and buy 90% of my retail online and have never had an issue with anything coming up missing. I've since check the policy of other vendors I buy from in attempt to avoid this situation from arising again, and every other vendor I've checked recognizes it is their responsibility to get the product in their customer's possession. I was told by Camofire's customer service that they only have 10 employees, and that was their justification for not being able to provide quality customer service stating specifically they need to first and foremost protect themselves. Chew on that one for a minute...

Do what you will with this information, but based on my experience I can assure you that they have seen their last penny from me. In the end I've filed the claim with my credit card company and they told me that they would just recover the funds from the vendors bank until legal proof could be provided of the delivery. In the end they will lose twice, out the cost of goods anyhow and out a long time customer. Hopefully this post will further redirect other potential victims to more service oriented vendors..
Thanks for the post, that is a BS policy. If your so worried about protecting yourself Camofire insure your orders...
This is going to get more and more prevalent it seems. Our office is starting to look like a shipping and receiving warehouse around Christmas time because people are too afraid to have packages sent to their house because the dramatic increase in people stealing packages off porches. Costs for goods and shipping are going to have to go up to cover the losses incurred. It sounds like you have a strong case with video evidence showing that the package was not delivered by FedEx, it sounds to me that Camofire would want to be working with you to get a copy of that video to strengthen a claim they might have with FedEx. (EDITED - I guess there is no video footage, just a lack of it because there wasn't motion, this quickly turns it into a he said/ she said scenario)

I have also had good dealings with Camofire in the past and would like to think that they would be willing to work with you. I can see where they are coming from though if FedEx is showing it as being delivered it would be hard to eat $750 and feel good about it.
With the prevalence of online ordering. And online fraud, I can understand camofires position, to an extent.

If I were you I would be filing a claim with fedex. Often those companies have a different protocol when dealing with a consumer vs a business.
Agreed that it is Fed-Ex related issue, but Camofire contracted and paid Fed-Ex, not me. I've called Fed-Ex and tried to pursue it on my end and because I am not the shipper they won't provide me any information.

Further, taking Fed-Ex at face value and not requiring them to validate with data seems a bit off. It is my understanding that when a package is scanned for delivery a GPS location is locked in their system. Should be quite simple for them to provide that for verification, if in fact it was delivered to my house. If it was miss delivered as I suspect and my camera's indicate then they would have cause not to share that information as it would prove that it was in fact not delivered to my house. Seems a bit suspect.... If they could show me proof that it was ever at my residence then maybe, just maybe, I could see an arguement that I have some skin in the game for requesting delivery to an unsafe location. In my opinion Camofire hasn't done enough to hold their nominated parcel provider accountable to prove delivery to the appropriate location. And further if they aren't willing to absorb the cost of a particular package then they should have required a signature which would have been just fine by me.

Of the three parties involved I am the least culpable, and the least solvent yet I am the one that is expected to bear the full burden simply for ordering a product?

Bet you guys suggesting that Camofire doesn't have responsibility would be singing a different tune when it's your $750.
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Agreed that it is Fed-Ex related issue, but Camofire contracted and paid Fed-Ex, not me. I've called Fed-Ex and tried to pursue it on my end and because I am not the shipper they won't provide me any information.

Further, taking Fed-Ex at face value and not requiring them to validate with data seems a bit off. It is my understanding that when a package is scanned for delivery a GPS location is locked in their system. Should be quite simple for them to provide that for verification, if in fact it was delivered to my house. If it was miss delivered as I suspect and my camera's indicate then they would have cause not to share that information as it would prove that it was in fact not delivered to my house. Seems a bit suspect.... If they could show me proof that it was ever at my residence then maybe, just maybe, I could see an arguement that I have some skin in the game for requesting delivery to an unsafe location. In my opinion Camofire hasn't done enough to hold their nominated parcel provider accountable to prove delivery to the appropriate location. And further if they aren't willing to absorb the cost of a particular package then they should have required a signature which would have been just fine by me.

Of the three parties involved I am the least culpable, and the least solvent yet I am the one that is expected to bear the full burden simply for ordering a product?

Bet you guys suggesting that Camofire doesn't have responsibility would be singing a different tune when it's your $750 they scam you out of.

I am very sympathetic to your situation. I have been through it. I am not making a value judgement on Camofires response, I just think your best bet at is battling fedex. Camofire is not a shipping company, they will get abused if they don’t defer to fedex.

Like I said, if I was in your shoes, I would go on fedex’s website and file the claim, and make them choke on it. I wouldn’t call and ask them about filing one, they are just going to try and talk you out of it, I would just do it. They have an area where you can include evidence. Attach emails (video if you can), pictures, etc. once it is in their system, they have to deal with it. You just need the tracking number to start the claim. If you don’t get a satisfactory answer, you are at least known to them and can elevate your claim, but my guess is when you confront them with the doorbell video they will waffle.
I am very sympathetic to your situation. I have been through it. I am not making a value judgement on Camofires response, I just think your best bet at is battling fedex. Camofire is not a shipping company, they will get abused if they don’t defer to fedex.

Like I said, if I was in your shoes, I would go on fedex’s website and file the claim, and make them choke on it. I wouldn’t call and ask them about filing one, they are just going to try and talk you out of it, I would just do it. They have an area where you can include evidence. Attach emails (video if you can), pictures, etc. once it is in their system, they have to deal with it. You just need the tracking number to start the claim. If you don’t get a satisfactory answer, you are at least known to them and can elevate your claim, but my guess is when you confront them with the doorbell video they will waffle.

This is where you start. Given they can’t show the delivery GPS, and you have the video to corroborate it, I think you have a solid claim.
Sorry to hear that. I would refute the charge on your CC first off. Tell them you believe you were frauded. That will at least give you 30 days to sort this out. I have done t in the past in a similar instance ( not so much$$) but I got my money back. Remeber you are the customer of your CC also.

I have had stuff missing from Fed Ex, They have always been able to find where it went, when it was scanned at my house. Once I had a package that was scanned, a few miuntes later a pakage was scanned a few blocks away. It was obviuos they delivered my pakakge to the wrong house because the driver couldnt be in two places that fast. Took some work but I got my money back.
Funny, there was a post on my local Facebook page for the town I live in last week. A guy got a large Fed-ex package delivered to his house and he didnt order it, wrong adress on the label. He didnt have a vehicle big enough to haul the package back to Fed-Ex, so he called them for 2 days before the 3rd day someone finally came back and picked it up. He said the people seemed "bothered" that he even called.......
I'd spend a couple hours worth of $ for a brief letter from an attorney. Send to Camofire and the Local FedEx manager (you can all around for contact info).
Me as well. Camofire can't just send out a free replacement when FedEx shows it as delivered.

Yes they can. Had a similar fact pattern with Amazon and they overnighted a replacement at no cost.

Customer service aside - protesting the charge with VISA is the path of least effort and most leverage - if vendors get too many complaints via this process VISA can really squeeze them, they have leverage, you don't.
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when it's your $750 they scam you out of.

The main thing I object to is your use of the word "scam". It explicitly accuses them of a dishonest scheme. Putting that on a public forum is irresponsible when the facts don't bear that out. They obviously shipped something. You have the tracking number. Where's the "scam"? What you disagree with is their policy on handling packages that they shipped that for whatever reason the buyer doesn't receive. That's not a scam.
I have all items delivered to my office. I have had stuff stolen from my residence. I have had FedEx and UPS drop at a nearby though incorrect residence.

My workplace has service with UPS so the driver knows me by name. FedEx is here almost every day. Guess who screws up though? The Amazon rent-a-drivers that claim we are closed, leave at wrong business, etc. I begged Amazon to set my account to only UPS and FedEx and I would pay more for delivery for the privilege. Amazon refused.
A buddy of mine just a week ago had an AR upper he bought online. The package showed delivered to our office which obviously didn't happen since we were there all day and when he got the delivery email nothing had showed. He began checking things in FedEx and the site he had ordered the upper thinking someone punched in a wrong address and nope it was all correct.
a few hours later a little lady called him and advised him she had received a package a mile or so down the highway in an apartment complex and it had his name and number on it. After picking it up everything was correct in the package just an idiot working for FedEx I guess. Thank goodness granny got it and not some criminal.
This is where you start. Given they can’t show the delivery GPS, and you have the video to corroborate it, I think you have a solid claim.

Unless policy changed, only the customer of FedEx or UPS or any freight company can file a claim. The customer is the person or company that is paying the bill issued by the shipper and that is not the person who ordered the product in this case. CamoFire has to file the claim. They did. And the claim was evaluated and ruled as not eligible for refund of shipping cost nor cost of item.

That puts CamoFire in the driver's seat. CamoFire is saying not their problem the customer is saying they never got the ordered item. Maybe so. It is CamoFire's decision to not replace or refund the item. The only person losing in this relationship is the customer that claims they are without the product. If you are a merchant and your customer is the only loser then you are at risk of losing that customer, their buddies, people on Twitter, on HuntTalk, etc. The cost to replace the item reported as not received may be a fraction of the loss of profit on sales that never happen but would have without publicity of the situation.

OP reports is a long-term customer. Might be the only time had an issue. Is an easy call for me as a sales manager if the OP is a reliable, long-term customer.
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