Cabelas Euros HD Binoculars


Active member
Aug 25, 2014
Have you guys used them? What do you think? Is there a better pair of binoculars for under $1000?
Vortex really can't be beat in my opinion. Great glass and even a better warranty.

Good glass, but Euros are heavy...Vortex Razor HDs are comparible and the warranty can't be beat. Swarovski SLC HD is a little more expensive, but lighter and better optics in my opinion.
They're made by Meopta, a czech company that makes good glass. They are essentially a meostar. Heavy is the main complaint, I believe the coatings are different as well. Cheaper sense cabelas takes care of warranty work; replacements.
Cabelas Instinct (Euro) are 3 oz heavier than Swaro SLC, about 6 oz heavier than Vortex Razor. Looks like Cabelas is offering perks for Cab card holders. Razor and Instinct price close to the same. Swaros about 500 more but, as I recall, within reach of your cash points total.

Do youself a big long term favor and seriously consider the Swaros
Absolutely love mine they are a bit heavy but with the fhf harness its a non issue .....I haven't seen a comparable glass for the same money but that's just my opinion.
Trust me, cabelas will warranty them for you just as good as the vortex stuff.

I have the 10x42s. My brother has the 12x50s and I just picked up a Meostar S2 HD 82 mm spotter with the wide angle eyepiece. This stuff is top shelf. If anyone has a razor spotter of any size I'd gladly put mine on a tripod and show you what you are missing.
I would have strongly considered the Cabelas euros (or the MeoPro HD's) if they made them in 8x42, but only making them in 8x32 was a deal breaker for me. Thought a lot about getting the Swaro SLC's but couldn't justify the pricetag for minimal gains over the 1K pricetag stuff. So, I just picked up some open box Zeiss Conquests and am impressed with them so far. They have very good low-light capabilities and are pretty darn crisp! I think for what I paid for them I got a pretty nice pair of binos that will last a very long time. It would have been nice to have the wider FOV allowed by the Swaros, but these aren't bad. One thing I have noticed is more of a rolling ball effect than I noticed with my cheap Bushnells; I'm guessing this has to do with the edge-to-edge sweet spot the Zeiss have vs. the center-only sweet spot of the Bushnells.

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