Big Fin solo MT elk/deer day by day


Well-known member
Jul 30, 2011
The day by day self filmed Montana Elk/Mule deer is rolling out on YouTube.

Not bad filming for a CPA who has done a "show" for 10+ years.

I think this might be the first time I've seen @Big Fin break out the Sitka mittens? What is the review on those bad boys? Anybody else use them?
Sitka mittens? What is the review on those bad boys? Anybody else use them?
I had been wanting these and jumped on a pair last year when Bob Wards had them on sale at $50 off (only time I ever saw them discounted anywhere). They are indeed very warm, rugged and waterproof. I wore them with a merino liner last year down to double digit negative temps and my hands stayed warm.
Overall they are great for western big game hunting in the late season, but I don't use them for late season eastern deer hunting. They are just too loud to take off for the shot in close quarters tree stand deer hunting.