Caribou Gear

AZ Archery Coues Deer


Active member
Jan 2, 2012
Pittsburgh, PA
First of all, I didn't kill anything. Just don't want anyone to get their hopes up.

I bought an OTC non-permit archery tag. For 5 days I solo hunted in the Chiricahua Wilderness, Cave Creek Recreational area to be specific. The deer numbers were great, I saw deer every day. If I were gun hunting I could have shot a legal buck everyday.

Mentally this was the toughest hunt I've ever been on. I saw more rattlesnakes, bear, border patrol, and illegal aliens than I have in my entire life.

My original plan was to spend the entire trip in the backcountry. I ended up camping at a campsite, and doing day trips from there. I was basically "warned" by Border Patrol that camping in the wilderness was a big risk, with all the smuggling and immigrant activity.

The third day I was 5 miles from the trail head glassing. I caught movement lower in the canyon, spun my spotting scope over to find two very dehydrated looking Mexicans. I just did my best rock impersonation, and was glad the sun was at my back. I almost felt guilty for not offering them water.

Then, there were the monsoons. Tuesday and yesterday I was convinced, if the lightning didn't kill me, the rain was going to drown me. I've experienced high altitude lightning before, but nothing like this.

The steepness of the area I was in, made stalking very difficult, I only tried 2 stalks and both ended up with deer blowing out of the country. Once because I ended up distracted by a rattle snake, and once because I just made too much noise. Now, I know why most guys archery hunt water tanks. I really think a deer drive, or push, would work great as well.

Overall it was a great trip, and I can't wait for next year.

No pictures until Monday when I get home. Still in a Tuscon hotel until Monday morning.
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The third day I was 5 miles from the trail head glassing. I caught movement lower in the canyon, spun my spotting scope over to find two very dehydrated looking Mexicans. I just did my best rock impersonation, and was glad the sun was at my back. I almost felt guilty for not offering them water.

I think I would've been checking my cell service and and called Border Patrol! All I would've offered was a trip back home!

Other than that, it sounds like you had a fun, safe trip.
I think I would've been checking my cell service and and called Border Patrol! All I would've offered was a trip back home!

The first afternoon I was driving into camp, and some hipster looking couple was walking their 2 Collies down the gravel road. Dude was carrying a full frame Glock. After I stopped laughing, my first thought was,"I should have armed myself."

I put the border patrol number into contacts list. Never had the service to call. No kidding, I saw at least 10 border patrol vehicles everyday.
You should try it again but in January. The weather will be cool, the deer will be rutting and you can also hunt javelina.
The first afternoon I was driving into camp, and some hipster looking couple was walking their 2 Collies down the gravel road. Dude was carrying a full frame Glock. After I stopped laughing, my first thought was,"I should have armed myself."

I put the border patrol number into contacts list. Never had the service to call. No kidding, I saw at least 10 border patrol vehicles everyday.

That's crazy! We see lots of Canadians in MT, but at least they go back (we actually like our neighbors to the north, they spend a lot of $$$$ in MT)! LOL
Here's the only pic I can add. I didn't bring my laptop, or the mini USB cord for my camera. The pile of junk I have to get organized into a duffle bag for my flight home. I sent my bow home UPS today(freaking $86 insured). Somehow, Southwest managed to crack my SKB case on the flight here.

I should have brought my crew cab, but brought the 6500 thinking I was going to carry camp with me.

Sorry, I'm super bored.

Sounds like you had almost more "adventure" than you bargained for. Looking forward to more photos.
When You hunt the border You pack. 2 things to tell those who never hunted there. 1, it dangerous as as big time cartels are moving drugs and peole thru .We are talking big $ involved. They take no prisoners , They take lives if needed.They try to avoid You if possible cause conflicts only bring attention and border patrol. Now the serious part 2,The Coues deer known as the grey ghost of the desert.has been described by many of the best proffesional hunter that have ever lived from across the country as the toughest big game animal to hunt in North America. It is the weariness, the size, the terrain, the elements, their abillity to blend in with the surroundings. You aint hunting farm fields. Not knocking Eastern Whitetail hunters but Ya ain't gonna come to Arizona or Mexico and just kill one of these critters without having some help or experience hunting them.. I moved from Penn. to Az. in 1977 and had no clue. It took Me till My 4-to 5th Year before I killed a spike.( all on my own learning the hard way) They are most peoples favorite thing to hunt once You learn it. Remember 2 things, patience and high powered binos on a tri-pod., and You will have a chance.....BOB!
Remember 2 things, patience and high powered binos on a tri-pod., and You will have a chance.....BOB!

Considering the "Game", I'd be carrying a high powered rifle and a hand full of tags! We should not have to "Press One for English" in the United States of America!!!!! :mad:
Ya! It's a shame You have to be carefull in Your own Country hunting. The AZ. huntining regs . say in them , Warning , The quality of Your hunt may be hamperred by Illegall alien activity on all the southern units that border mexico. There are lots of leftover tags every year there and they are some great units. People are afraid to go. But Homeland security chief janet napolitano (former gov. of AZ.)says the border is safer than ever. What a joke!.....BOB!
funny thing about napolitano is when she was gov she complained that the bush administration didn't do anything about the illegals. she gets a job with obama and the border "has never been safer"
Here are the pics, they are at full resolution sorry about the file size.

It's hard to see, but there is a massive bee hive in this tree. The weird thing is you can hear them from a couple hundred yards away.


Just some landscape shots to get an idea of the terrain.




Here's a picture of an approaching monsoon. There was a ton of lightning in this storm, and I tried to do a time lapse. Apparently, I didn't do it right because I ended up with 0 lightning shots and about 400 pictures of dark clouds.


Here's a pic of a river bed, that was a raging torrent about 10 minutes before I took the pictures. To be honest, I missed lots of shots because I was concerned about protecting my camera from the rain. I wish I had the budget to not worry about it.


Just so you know, there were deer there.

Sounds like you had a pretty fun adventure

BS that you cant feel safe in your own country :mad:
Sounds like a fun hunt, minus the snakes. I've hunted on the border before and never really felt in danger, even when a BP agent stopped and told us another agent had been shot a few miles away. We even bivvied out one night. We saw about 20 illegals over the course of 12 days hunting.

That said, my wife won't let me hunt down there alone. :eek: Thanks for sharing the photos.

We found that the locals can be inhospitable, too. ;)

Sounds like an interesting location to hunt the coues. I think i will keep putting my hand up with my double digit preferece points for a hunt in the north of the state before i go looking for that sought of adventure. But certainly a great opportunity to hunt them OTC and looks excellent habitat for long range glassing.
Enjoyed the read.