Caribou Gear Tarp

Atvs worth it?

P1000270.JPGOnce you have packed your elk up or down to a legal trail, the atv or utv is a very useful tool in transporting a lot of meat to the cutting table.
(Especially for senior hunters whose legs, knees, and backs are no longer what they used to be.)
A couple comments.

First off, if anyone sees a violation, get the pertinent information and turn people in.

A couple years ago, I saw an off-road violation in Idaho that ended up turning into a poaching case as well. There were multiple citations issued for both the poaching as well as the off-road violations. Be willing to turn in those that are ruining it for everyone else. Get quality information, gps cords, pictures, plate numbers, plate numbers on the vehicles used to tow the ATV's, etc. Don't forget dates, time, all that good stuff.

You read a lot about guys turning people in and then nothing happens. Follow up...I had to keep the pressure up on the State of Idaho LEO's as well as the Federal LEO's on the monument where the poaching/off road violations happened. The IGF were great to work with, but the guys enforcing the off-road portion, they needed some "positive reinforcement" to do the right thing.

Backcountry Hunters and Anglers offers a $500 reward to anyone that turns in an off-road violation that leads to a conviction. BHA paid out quite a pile of reward money last year.

Finally, as others have stated, as long as ATV's/UTV's are used in a responsible manner, they can be a great way to save wear and tear on your body as well as your expensive trucks. Lets be honest, most trucks these days are made for highway comfort over off-road requirements. NamelessRange also made a great observation, that many open roads are degrading to the point that traveling on them with a full sized pickup is about impossible.

treedagain...great call by ignoring TG.
View attachment 52524Once you have packed your elk up or down to a legal trail, the atv or utv is a very useful tool in transporting a lot of meat to the cutting table.
(Especially for senior hunters whose legs, knees, and backs are no longer what they used to be.)

Boy, ain't that the truth Straight Arrow. I'm physically handicapped and worn out from working hard my entire life. I used to be able to hustle up mountains with the best of them...25 years ago. Not anymore. If not for my ATV I'd be giving up hunting. And I do stay on established roads and follow the rules. Some guys on here paint with a pretty wide brush...and think their way is the only way, and they're the best at it. You know the guys I'm referring to.
A couple comments.

First off, if anyone sees a violation, get the pertinent information and turn people in.

A couple years ago, I saw an off-road violation in Idaho that ended up turning into a poaching case as well. There were multiple citations issued for both the poaching as well as the off-road violations. Be willing to turn in those that are ruining it for everyone else. Get quality information, gps cords, pictures, plate numbers, plate numbers on the vehicles used to tow the ATV's, etc. Don't forget dates, time, all that good stuff.

You read a lot about guys turning people in and then nothing happens. Follow up...I had to keep the pressure up on the State of Idaho LEO's as well as the Federal LEO's on the monument where the poaching/off road violations happened. The IGF were great to work with, but the guys enforcing the off-road portion, they needed some "positive reinforcement" to do the right thing.

Backcountry Hunters and Anglers offers a $500 reward to anyone that turns in an off-road violation that leads to a conviction. BHA paid out quite a pile of reward money last year.

Finally, as others have stated, as long as ATV's/UTV's are used in a responsible manner, they can be a great way to save wear and tear on your body as well as your expensive trucks. Lets be honest, most trucks these days are made for highway comfort over off-road requirements. NamelessRange also made a great observation, that many open roads are degrading to the point that traveling on them with a full sized pickup is about impossible.

treedagain...great call by ignoring TG.

I turned in a guy who shot a cow moose that had a calf at it's side. Looked all over heck to find a Warden. I had him follow me to the scene and showed him the gut pile that the calf was still standing next to. I tried follow ups via E-mail to find out what happened to the poacher many times . I got a couple responses with no real information. Whether or not they charged the guy with poaching or anything else is anybody's guess. IMO the Wyoming G&F doesn't think the honest sportsman that turns in a poacher deserves any information on the case. I was pretty disappointed in G&F. This was in Laramie. Also I agree with you Buzz, TG's comment on someone's weight was a cruel and insensitive remark. We all can't be perfect like you TG.
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Yes, shootbrownelk, and likely some of the most vocal youngsters will one day be sitting in their rockers bragging about the good ol'days .... and you and I will still be struggling, aching, moaning, sweating, swearing, and still loving every minute humping up the mountain ... with the anticipation of elk just over the next rise ... knowing that if we're lucky enough to get a fair shot and get that trophy down the mountain, we have an atv or utv waiting on the legal trail to transport us and our game to somewhere cozy to take a nap..
Also I agree with you Buzz, TG's comment on someone's weight was a cruel and insensitive remark. We all can't be perfect like you TG.

Really uncalled for...and I learned long ago to not be judgemental of anyones physical appearances.

When I worked fires for the FS many years ago, I would see some people that looked like they were in top shape, fold like a cheap paperback after scratching line for an hour. Conversely, I saw people that didn't look like they could hike a mile, put a bend in their back and dig fire-line for 20 hours without much more than a water break every couple hours.

I had to eat some crow more than once on my preconceived opinions on who could, and couldn't get the job I don't do that anymore.

Mental toughness will trump body size and shape every time...and a mental midget, regardless of physical condition, will fail every time. Seen it.
Really uncalled for...and I learned long ago to not be judgemental of anyones physical appearances.

When I worked fires for the FS many years ago, I would see some people that looked like they were in top shape, fold like a cheap paperback after scratching line for an hour. Conversely, I saw people that didn't look like they could hike a mile, put a bend in their back and dig fire-line for 20 hours without much more than a water break every couple hours.

I had to eat some crow more than once on my preconceived opinions on who could, and couldn't get the job I don't do that anymore.

Mental toughness will trump body size and shape every time...and a mental midget, regardless of physical condition, will fail every time. Seen it.
Between the ears very much matters.

Kinda surprised that someone who holds his posting in such high regard would be that critical of a persons appearance. Then to edit it for "spelling"... Heck I have a very big gut but my spine is stiffer than that.
You guys are really some weird dudes! I make one little comment about a guy who maybe needs to get off his quad and shed a few pounds (like maybe 40+) and get hammered while several others have outright accused the guy of violating the law with his quads and nothing is said about that! Hypocrits? Hmm!
You guys are really some weird dudes! I make one little comment about a guy who maybe needs to get off his quad and shed a few pounds (like maybe 40+) and get hammered while several others have outright accused the guy of violating the law with his quads and nothing is said about that! Hypocrits? Hmm!

Nothing like making a ridiculous statement, then doubling down on stupidity.
I had heard that top guns PM's were interesting....well now i know. LOL.
if the key to my success is to have a few spare pounds maybe i should not skip desert tonight.....
i was raised to not look down on people, instead do my best to help them rise above themselves and be the best they can be....i try to be the man god intended me to be and make my parents proud. I lost them both last year and everynight i look in the mirror before i say my prayers and ask myself if i did them proud and if not what do i have to do to make that right. I
Isn't TopGun the one squashing that poor elk in his avatar?

Oh I believe there's a place for atvs...


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treedagain, thanks. That was the last year we had the whole family together on the place for a bird hunt. Looks like you're no stranger to good days outside yourself.
looks like this thread has gotten a little sidetracked (see what I did there). I say to each his own as long as we follow the rules, and those that don't, punish the bastards. if a fella wants to do things the old fashion way and go on foot or horse, I completely respect that. in fact, if I lived out your way that is the way I would do it. on the other hand, if a fella wants to use an atv/utv to access a road he does not feel comfortable taking his truck, I am ok with that as well. my old man is going hunting with me this year. 10 years ago we would go on 25 mile backpacking trips and he was in my hip pocket the whole way, now he can't do it. I asked him if I pulled the utv out west if he would go and he jumped on it. so, hell yes I am ok with using an utv if it means we can hunt together one more time. have a good day fellas
jezz..funny story....2 years ago I had 2 handicapped hunters that I was involved in for a bull hunt here in Utah. the lady hunter (almost blind and could hardly walk killed a bull in a spot most men could/would not hunt. she had a permit to hunt a week before and after the hunt dates and from the truck, like out the window kind of truck. she opted to hunt her ass off and I was more afraid of getting her out of the hell hole. great hunt and she earned it. the bull on the trailer was the other semi handicapped hunter. 2 weeks from having his knee's replaced he hunted hard and wacked the bull on the trailer. a couple local guys took it on themselves to get the bull out whole with the help of their sidebyside. I do not approve of the action but I know after packing out 2 other bulls that day along with the lady hunter..I appreciated there 'COWBOY" ways. the hardest part of the deal was getting the bull on the trailer.

I was just curious. I saw 2 old timers yrs ago chainsaw winching a bull outta this nasty hole in N ID. I offered to help but they didn't want it. My logging boss when I was in college did it the same way. Looked like a ton more work than breaking it down and packing out. But it worked so I am not one to criticize.
Guys do that here on the west side. Never understood it as that Elk is going to hang up on all kinds of stuff.
it does look like a lot of work. I watched a couple on youtube and in one clip there was about 10 guys watching as they winched a bull moose. it would have been a simple pack out if they deboned it and packed it would be pretty cool to get it out whole and into the back of the truck