Yeti GOBOX Collection

Atvs worth it?

looks like this thread has gotten a little sidetracked (see what I did there). I say to each his own as long as we follow the rules, and those that don't, punish the bastards. if a fella wants to do things the old fashion way and go on foot or horse, I completely respect that. in fact, if I lived out your way that is the way I would do it. on the other hand, if a fella wants to use an atv/utv to access a road he does not feel comfortable taking his truck, I am ok with that as well. my old man is going hunting with me this year. 10 years ago we would go on 25 mile backpacking trips and he was in my hip pocket the whole way, now he can't do it. I asked him if I pulled the utv out west if he would go and he jumped on it. so, hell yes I am ok with using an utv if it means we can hunt together one more time. have a good day fellas

I hope your dad gets one Jay. I've been wanting to take my dad out west for years, but I don't think it will ever happen now.

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