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Ask Fin?


Active member
Jan 22, 2013
Hey Big Fin, love the show(s) and what a great representative of the hunting community you are. You've really developed a great brand, and I've learned a lot from following you.

You've always be great to share the details of the show, your planning, etc., and I thought it would be fun have a thread folks could ask specific questions about past hunts/shows.

My two questions for you are:

What moment, shot, stalk, or scenario do you wish that you could have a do-over on? I'm sure there are multiple, but what one haunts you the most? Has to be since you've been doing the show and something we would've seen. I can think of what my answer for you is, but am curious to hear yours.

Conversely, what show moment do you consider to be the luckiest? You know, the one where no real amount of skill or planning went into it, just pure dumb luck...
Hey Big Fin, love the show(s) and what a great representative of the hunting community you are. You've really developed a great brand, and I've learned a lot from following you.

You've always be great to share the details of the show, your planning, etc., and I thought it would be fun have a thread folks could ask specific questions about past hunts/shows.

My two questions for you are:

What moment, shot, stalk, or scenario do you wish that you could have a do-over on? I'm sure there are multiple, but what one haunts you the most? Has to be since you've been doing the show and something we would've seen. I can think of what my answer for you is, but am curious to hear yours.

Sorry I was on the road when this was posted.

Do-over? Hmmm. Lots of those. Probably Alaska black bear in May of 2016. Not sure how I'm even gonna live that down. It still haunts me. Folks will get to see it on YouTube this winter.

Conversely, what show moment do you consider to be the luckiest? You know, the one where no real amount of skill or planning went into it, just pure dumb luck...

Some would say every animal we kill is lucky. That's a tougher one. A lot of work went into the WY elk hunt with Schmalts last season, but how he killed his elk was a big stroke of dumb luck. We were standing at a trailhead talking about how we were gonna head up the hill to try locate some elk that we knew were head this direction. In mid-sentence, Schmalts starts stammering that he sees elk over my shoulder. Never expected that.

Probably some others if I think about it more.
Do-over? Hmmm. Lots of those. Probably Alaska black bear in May of 2016. Not sure how I'm even gonna live that down. It still haunts me. Folks will get to see it on YouTube this winter.

Some would say every animal we kill is lucky. That's a tougher one. A lot of work went into the WY elk hunt with Schmalts last season, but how he killed his elk was a big stroke of dumb luck. We were standing at a trailhead talking about how we were gonna head up the hill to try locate some elk that we knew were head this direction. In mid-sentence, Schmalts starts stammering that he sees elk over my shoulder. Never expected that.

Probably some others if I think about it more.

I'll reserve my judgement until I see the new black bear hunt on Youtube...Sounds like a good teaser though. Since I only have a tag or two each year, I live vicariously through guys like you. The one that I wanted a do-over on for you was the late season Arizona Elk Hunt that you missed a giant bull. I'd have to look it up to remember what year, but in the show you mentioned not accounting for wind drift. I think that is the biggest, cleanest bull I've seen on your shows. Being a Utahn, I also really wanted you to connect on that Utah archery bull from the ground blind, wish you had a couple more days to get that one right.

Agreed on the dumb luck elk with Schmalts. The reaction you guys had as you went from talking to trying to shoot was priceless.
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