Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Arizona Unit 32 Coues report


Active member
Jan 16, 2017
Here's a report on my recent coues trip in AZ unit 32 with my brother.
We arrived in the unit a day and a half before the opener and found the area was a little different that we expected, which is not surprising for a first trip. Our plan of pulling our small utility trailer full of gear to Jackson cabin was not at all possible and those that have been there are probably chuckling right now. Luckily, we ran into some really nice folks from CA that had been there several times and showed us a nice place to camp as well as shared their camp with us. These guys really renewed my faith in mankind and hunters, they were the most generous people I have ever met on the mountain by far. We were shown a few decent places to hunt in the lower country that were able to find some deer in. We hunted hard five days and saw few bucks including one good 3x3. Unfortunately were not able to get a decent shot at any of the bucks we found, but we had a great time. Coues deer definitely live up to their reputation, we had a heck of a time locating buck and getting within shooting range. We would also see a buck watch watch him bed and then somehow not be able to locate him again once we got closer. Definitely not mule deer hunting.. We will be back for sure and with a little more knowledge. I would like to thank those on here that were willing to share information, 65swede was spot on with his advice, thank you again.
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That nice 3X3 will likely be near the same place next year. Study that area on GE and I bet you can zero in on his bedding area, and get right on him. The big ones don't range far.
Our plan of pulling our small utility trailer full of gear to Jackson cabin was not at all possible and those that have been there are probably chuckling right now.

I am for sure...:D Tough unit as most of the pressure is concentrated into the few easy to access areas. Deer are spooky... easy to loose a 36" tall deer in cover, let alone when they lay down. Its definitely a unit that you're going to have to burn some serious boot leather to get into some of the better, less pressured areas, or know a rancher with great access....
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