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That’s not me. Anyone who really knows me will vouch for that. It’s hard to put sarcasm in print. I just want people to know that I’m not the guy who draws a tag in an unfamiliar unit and wants people to point me in the right direction. If I only have 5-7 days to hunt and the 20 or so places I’ve historically seen elk that time of year aren’t to be found or they aren’t what I’m looking for.........just keeping my options open. I’m just making those points to prove that it’s not my first rodeo in that neck of the woods and being at the right place at the right time is key.
That’s not me. Anyone who really knows me will vouch for that. It’s hard to put sarcasm in print. I just want people to know that I’m not the guy who draws a tag in an unfamiliar unit and wants people to point me in the right direction. If I only have 5-7 days to hunt and the 20 or so places I’ve historically seen elk that time of year aren’t to be found or they aren’t what I’m looking for.........just keeping my options open. I’m just making those points to prove that it’s not my first rodeo in that neck of the woods and being at the right place at the right time is key.
You know what I would do...... let the guy who has the tag do the work and get his own information. Now there's a grand idea. Not get on a forum and make a complete ass outta myself and then try and follow it up with asking for a friend. Good luck to you guys this season hopefully he stumbles into a 320 Bull. I'm sure Randy is regretting buying you breakfast after reading through some of your rants...... you don't happen to be related to a guy name Brendan to you.......
No Brendan. Like I said it’s hard to put sarcasm in print. But if people like to generalize and make assumptions about someone without actually knowing them then so be it.

This whole thread was a joke. Everyone just wants to pick fights and not have a conversation. Re-read the thread. Who started throwing in the insults first?
No Brendan. Like I said it’s hard to put sarcasm in print. But if people like to generalize and make assumptions about someone without actually knowing them then so be it.

This whole thread was a joke. Everyone just wants to pick fights and not have a conversation. Re-read the thread. Who started throwing in the insults first?

Have you ever looked in the mirror and wondered why you're always a victim?
Have you ever looked in the mirror and wondered why you're always a victim?

Not claiming to be victim. Just misunderstood and taken out of context. I am reasonable tho. Let’s make a deal. I’ll never post on any thread you make, mention you in a post, or even chime in on a conversation you are a part of if you do the same. Deal?
You know what I would do...... let the guy who has the tag do the work and get his own information. Now there's a grand idea. Not get on a forum and make a complete ass outta myself and then try and follow it up with asking for a friend. Good luck to you guys this season hopefully he stumbles into a 320 Bull. I'm sure Randy is regretting buying you breakfast after reading through some of your rants...... you don't happen to be related to a guy name Brendan to you.......

It’s my tag. A buddy and I were talking about how many people would or wouldn’t pay for access. It’s funny how people are ok with using BMAs that are subsidized by the government but against paying that landowner directly.

I’m not even sure how I feel about it. I’ve killed one animal on private in my life. I repaid him buy giving him a rangefinder. Is it the same? Different? Worth a discussion but not arguments.
F paying for access, just go dump the bull you want. On the slight chance you get caught, it’s cheaper to just pay the fine.

I think I need to start a poll with every thread - "Should this thread be locked?"

Or maybe we should start funding Hunt Talk with a bit of sports betting, where rather than betting on teams or point spreads we bet on how many posts before a thread gets locked.
At a minimum, you could create the ability to search all threads that have been locked - a way to at least have some amusing high quality browsiing for some the oldies but goodies.
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