Zumbo makes national television!!

Pretty bad news there, he got a Silver Medal for "Worst Person in the World" from that MS NBC guy! Except the guy gave it to the NRA, that's bad.
For any of you who think Mr. Zumbo's comments are harmless or in fact agree with him. If your employee got headlines like this would you give him a raise or a pink slip?



So you think Bush should fire this guy???
But our winner is Deputy White House Press Spokesman Tony Fratto, who explained to reporters that we didn't invade Iraq, "We went in as a multi-national force under U.N. authorization to take military action in Iraq."

Something that might be disagreed with by... the facts! Next week it'll be: Iraq? We never invaded Iraq. We're not even there now.

White House Spokesman Tony Fratto, Monday's Worst Person In The World!
"We went in as a multi-national force under U.N. authorization to take military action in Iraq."

Good point, keeping the facts straight, he did good.
Josey-Oberman is a total left wing preacher and I get tired of his tirades just like I don't listen to Hannity or Limbaugh. My point is that Zumbo's comments are not only being used by Gun Control Inc. but are being quoted on national television as gospel against a lot of good guns we all own.

Maybe you should sober up and kwit watching TV??? Then you wouldn't be so concerned.

So, you agree that Dubya's spokesman is an idiot?
As usual, Jose, you try to change the subject and examine the wrong question to advance you own political agenda.
Let’s turn that around, just for fun. Aren’t you the person who claimed Zumbos right of free speech was being violated? So if GW canned Fratto, wouldn’t he violate Frattos rights, Hmm?
If Fratto SHOULD be canned, then doesn’t Outdoor Life have the right to dump Zumbo?

Oh Jose, you’ve opened a can of worms, carry on.
As usual, Jose, you try to change the subject and examine the wrong question to advance you own political agenda.
Let’s turn that around, just for fun. Aren’t you the person who claimed Zumbos right of free speech was being violated? So if GW canned Fratto, wouldn’t he violate Frattos rights, Hmm?
If Fratto SHOULD be canned, then doesn’t Outdoor Life have the right to dump Zumbo?

Oh Jose, you’ve opened a can of worms, carry on.

Fratto wasn't exercising "free speech", he was charged with trying to convince an ever growing skeptical electorate of the veracity of Dubya's fabricated reasons for invading another country.
Nothing about Zumbo is a free speech issue. He is a New Yorker who lives in Wyoming and pimps for sporting good companies magazines and outfitters who whore out wildlife. He does all that for money and I doubt he is in line for a Pulitzer. His speech was so free that he is now the poster boy for Sarah Brady. He got fired from his jobs not put in jail for protecting his sources. Like I said Josena is an idiot.

What time did you start drinking today? Did they get WiFi at the Bar so you can post while talking to the rest of the drunks? Dude, sober up and re-read your posts and see if you can make sense.

Zumbo is not the poster boy for Sarah Brady (a good Republican), he is the poster boy for the front bumper of the NRA truck that ran over him. The NRA's and their looney supporter's handling of this is reason enough for all hunters to cancel their memberships.
What's wifi? If you're talkin' bad about my wife it's against the rules of the board. She don't even drink! Lick me where I pee Josey.

If you don't know what WiFi is, you are either drunker than I thought, or so old and stupid that your opinions don't matter.

Go home and sleep this one off.
Congratulations, Jose. Once again you have pretended to respond to me without really responding at all.

Fratto wasn't exercising "free speech", .
But according to you, just about anybody saying anything has free speech, how is Fratto exempt?

he was charged with trying to convince an ever growing skeptical electorate

But when Zumbo took money from Remington, wasn’t he “charged with trying to convince an ever growing skeptical” public that gun owners aren’t terrorist?

Regarding your signature line “Never compromise on something you can win. ” How about when your getting your ass kicked, do you ever compromise when your getting your ass kicked?
Zumbo was quoted on the Colbert report last night. Must be great to know you have given your enemies the gift they always wanted.

I dont believe Remington hired Zumbo for support of assault weapons...do you?

The guy is a HUNTER, maybe not a good one...but a hunter non-the-less...I'll just go right out on the ragged edge and say they hired him to endorse hunting firearms...like the 700 bdl for example.

Just pure speculation on my part.

If they wanted to hire somebody to support assault weapons...I'd guess they would have hired someone like Wayne LaPierre, Rambo, or Chuck Norris.
But Remington does support Wayne LaPierre in the form of donating lots of money to the NRA.
Remington paid Zumbo to support their image among firearm owners, and with this one blog, he failed big time. The fact that he failed at his job is proven by the number of firearm owners who contacted Remington, requesting that they no longer support Zumbo.

If you really think;

The guy is a HUNTER, maybe not a good one...but a hunter non-the-less...I'll just go right out on the ragged edge and say they hired him to endorse hunting firearms...like the 700 bdl for example.

Then you should be able to get a job with Winchester supporting “hunting firearms” like the Md 70, right? Why don’t you print out all your posts from the “CI” section and include it in you résumé to Winchester, see if they offer you a pile of money to be their spokesperson?

Besides, don’t confuse me. Right now I’m twisting Jose’s words out of context. You’ll have to wait your turn.

You're as full of crap as a christmas goose.

Remington hired Zumbo to support assault weapons? Really?

What firearms are the top sellers for Remington? Do you think Remington sells more hunting firearms or more assault weapons?

Does it make sense to hire a person that uses a hunting firearm for hunting to endorse their hunting firearms or to hire Rambo to endorse their hunting firearms?

Get a clue, remington undoubtedly hired Zumbo to endorse their line of hunting firearms...even you cant be that stupid to believe they hired him to help sell assault weapons.

You're starting to sound like cjcj.
Go back and read my post S L O W L Y, and try to respond to what I said, not what you wish I had said.

Since your making stuff up;
Remington hired Zumbo to support assault weapons? Really?.
( I never said that, did I ?)

I think my new signature line applies. It’s a quote from your buddy MattK.
If you need misinformation to prove your point; obviously, one could conclude you have a pretty weak case
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