Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Wyoming was good again.


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2014
Central MN
Returned from NE Wyoming last weekend with my cooler full! Had a region A deer tag and a couple Antelope doe tags. Was able to punch all three tags. Arrived to our area with a buddy saturday night to set up camp. Sunday was the first day to hit the ground, put on 11 miles hicking around. Took us a couple days to get a lay of the land but we were honing in on them. On Tuesday afternoon I was baby sitting a group of deer 600 yards out across a flat sage flat on the public/private bountry when to my left 5 Antelope does started heading my way. So I got set up and as the lead doe got to 200 yards I squeezed a round off and down she went, the other 4 only ran 20-30 yards before they stopped to look what happened when I happen to take the next closest doe. Perfect! I now got my two doe tags punched. IMG_4365.jpg

On Wednesday night I set up on a little bluff overlooking a little bit of a small river bed. Had deer all around but the chopped up public/private kept me sitting there glassing 3 bucks hounding a couple does 500 yard out on private. The rut activity was so entertaining to watch. While siting out there we had a pretty cool encounter with a little yearling buck with pencil antlers only ear tall. He walked up on us to 15 yards from us without a clue we were there. As he started walking away I saw another buck starting to head right too us out of seemingly no where. I got down prone and ready and chambered a round, he seemed to come straight to this young guy hanging out below us. As he cleared some scrub brush 150 yards I put one round from the tikka 25-06 right behind the shoulder and 20 yards later there laid my first mule deer.
I feel very blessed to have such a fun successful trip. The area I was in seemed to be hunted hard and seeing some of the other deer people were taking I was really happy with my outcome. I couldn't be happier with my first mule deer. In total my buddy and I went 5 for 5.
Thanks again Wyoming for all the fun to be had, and thanks to those who help me and everyone els out on this site. It really helps us out of staters like me take trips like this and have success. Only 51 weeks till next year!
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