Caribou Gear

Wyoming unit 19


New member
Jun 1, 2016
Put in for 19 this year as my second choice, but basically my first I actually expect to draw. I notice it has several small blocks of public and one or two larger tracts... Any insight would be appreciated, feel free to send PM.
I'll be glad to return the favor anytime
The main area you'll need to hunt is a big chunk of BLM land on the northwest corner of the unit. Highway 59 is the border that hits it and there are also a couple roads going down into it off the main highway. There is a small place along the northern boundary road (Cow Creek Road) that also hits the northeast part of that BLM and you can go south down into it, but probably only by walking. That's about it and why the G&F has it marked as a unit with difficult access.
That area got hit really hard in the winter of 2010/2011, the herds were knocked down to almost nothing. Antelope have recovered some but still aren't back to where they should be. I was in the area last year and saw some antelope, the year before I didn't see any, but that doesn't mean they weren't there, just that there aren't a lot.
Thanks guys, we are ok with hunting deep and even backpack hunting... So I was drawn to the large area in the north west that is walki in only. Looks like it is 4 miles across it in areas which is great by my standards
I live in area 19. Have lived here for 26 years. Im sure I can help you with anything you would like to know. The walk in area is a very big area I believe it's 56,000 acres. There is not a lot of goat that hangout in there due to being hit very hard.