Caribou Gear Tarp

Wyoming region F deer


Active member
Feb 6, 2017
Looks like the tag total for non-resident in Wyoming region F has been cut by 200 tags.
This has been an area of declined deer numbers, especially in the area I have hunted, in 105 and 106 around the Sunlight/ Crandell area.
This is gonna make the draw a little tuffer for anyone applying with zero points and probably not a hundred percent for single point holders.

Something to consider for those looking to hunt there this year and in the future.
I am still looking to draw a deer tag there myself. This is a place I want to learn more. Especially for future elk hunting.
I still think that a deer hunt in the area I want to elk hunt is the best way to scout it in October.
Though finding those huge muley bucks may be tuff there that time of year. I will still put in the effort.
It seemed to me that most deer there migrate through it more often than stay there very long.
But, I feel there are a few good ones that have made that range their home and stay most of the year.
Hopefully I can find one this October.
That is if I can draw.
Good luck to everyone that has and still plan to throw their name in the Wyoming hat this season.
Thanks LCH.
Seeing as my old hunting and fishing vehicle has almost 390,000 miles on it now, I think it will have to stay home on this trip.
I'll be driving one of my hunting buddy's trucks this time.
His is fairly new and he doesn't want to have to walk or hand me tools in the rain and snow, when we could be hunting instead of fixing a break down.
Though my old ride is running pretty good right now.
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