Caribou Gear

Wyoming > Hicks at it again

As a proud former Wyoming resident, seems a strange time to potentially limit out of state spending when the state deficit is growing.

There is a reason people move to Colorado in herds and nobody want's to live in Wyoming. Pretty much everything Wyoming does as a state shows the lack of intelligence among leaders. This is no different.

The new plan is to sue the power company to keep the coal fired power plants open, and get around the west coast by shipping coal to Asia through Canada and Mexico, come up with alternate uses like spreading coal on farm fields, and to convince all the people who know how bad coal is for the environment that its' actually good due to "carbon capture" technology.

And now by simply cutting NR tag quotas in half, and doubling the price of NR tags, residents will not see a drop in income and will get a whole lot more tags. LOL.

This is about as bright as secretly investigating the president of UW, then letting her go with no explanation, blocking FOIA requests from media for months, and then after all that coming clean and admitting what happened after court ordered to do so. Brilliant.
It's both sad and entertaining watching the dumpster fire as a WY native.
This is pretty strong language from WYOGA. Is that a decent start for massive pressure, @BuzzH ? (see New Information Added section at the bottom)
Just in case no one clicked to read the link @ElkFever2 attached earlier, it does provide the e-mail for people to contact to oppose bill SF0094. Anyone who applies or hunts Wyoming has paid tax/fees of some sort therefore you have a platform to stand on. It may not make one bit of difference but flooded e-mail accounts from disgruntled and opposing sportsman is better than them hearing little opposition at all.
It would be nice if AZ,NM,UT,CO,ID,WY,MT, could come up with some sort of agreement to lock prices for each other's NR. We share borders, meaning we share animals.

Set it at 90/10, and for NR from those states set the price.

If in Utah we are giving up tags, seeing them go to dudes from our border states that winter our animals, or whose animals we winter, should happen at a set rate across the board.
It would be nice if AZ,NM,UT,CO,ID,WY,MT, could come up with some sort of agreement to lock prices for each other's NR. We share borders, meaning we share animals.

Set it at 90/10, and for NR from those states set the price.

If in Utah we are giving up tags, seeing them go to dudes from our border states that winter our animals, or whose animals we winter, should happen at a set rate across the board.
There's a reason those higher priced states charge more..because they can. They may share borders but some states have a lot more to offer in terms of age class, opportunity, or just overall quality of a hunt. All those states getting together on prices for nonresident license is never going to happen. Unless your smoking the same pipe @Greenhorn was referring to earlier in this thread.
It would be nice if AZ,NM,UT,CO,ID,WY,MT, could come up with some sort of agreement to lock prices for each other's NR. We share borders, meaning we share animals.

Set it at 90/10, and for NR from those states set the price.

If in Utah we are giving up tags, seeing them go to dudes from our border states that winter our animals, or whose animals we winter, should happen at a set rate across the board.
Clearly you don’t regularly hunt WY. You’re missing the big picture and it’s not the license prices.
It's 70 miles from my house. I get the "big picture". I also know Utah pounds NR. Wyoming doing it to us is kinda what we deserve.

Those states have other agreements in place, might not be much of a stretch.
I know I'm alone here but I really hate the rich guy argument or it will price me out rhetoric. Many of my friends that are always complaining what a tag costs or what the hunt expenses are gonna be are the ones that own $2500 of Sitka or Kuiu clothing. Heck I have a friend he's gonna see this, he got a closet hanging full of sitka & Kuiu and first lite jackets hell he hasn't even wore yet! I am totally serious. You will spend you money on whats important to you and thank god you can in this free country we live in.
Its your choice. If your not hunting or fishing in your back yard it becomes expensive and everyone has a different budget or idea what they wanna spend their money on. Just go Tuna fishing OYO with friends and put $1000 to $1500 of fuel in the boat for a overnighter run 120 miles offshore in the dark and holy crap there are 500 boats in a few square miles! Things are not what they used to be so we just gotta make the best of what we got. To many dam people

On the flip side of this I have a friend who absolutely loves chasing mule deer in Montana(Not sure why sometimes). I got him hooked about 10 years ago. I've watched his enthusiasm dwindle in a major way the last couple of years because the cost of the trip is honesty more than he can swallow now with all the expense the last few years. Not one thing has changed in his everyday life to cause this except the rising price of hunting there. The guy wears cotton and is a carpenter by trade. Don't allow the Sitka crowd to fool you. I don't feel that's your average guy at all. The rhetoric is very real and greed is killing this sport everyday.
Bet you don’t hunt Wyoming often. Because if you did, and appreciated it, you wouldn’t want to lose 50% of your chances to hunt there..


i often feel that i have better odds at more better hunts in wyoming than many of the "decent" hunts in colorado as co resident

it would be a shame for that to go away - fun fact, i've only completed 3 hunting seasons so far, 5 out of my 6 animals so far came out of wyoming, if that says something

but on the flip side i get the sentiment, i feel like other than prices i don't benefit greatly as a colorado res when it comes to drawing tags here over the non res. maybe i'm naive, but i often find myself wishing it would change more to my benefit. we all know that can of worms though - queue @wllm1313 and tabor

am i the only one constantly sowing "let's move to wyoming" seeds in my wifes brain? that place is paradise from my perspective.
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Living in Wyoming I understand some of the frustration of not being able to draw areas every year....but I also see that as somewhat of their own problem...there are plenty of good zones with 70% or higher resident draw odds for several species and good general zones for elk and deer....yes you may not be able to hunt from the truck or 4 wheeler....(truck hunters are the biggest group I have found complaining, just my 2 cents)

Being mad because you can’t draw a zone with 100 or less tags every year....well that’s kinda ignorant.

The single biggest thing that burns me about the bill is the outfitter stuff. They already get catered to enough....

i often feel that i have better odds at more better hunts in wyoming than many of the "decent" hunts in colorado as co resident

it would be a shame for that to go away

but on the flip side i get the sentiment, i feel like other than prices i don't benefit greatly as a colorado res when it comes to drawing tags here over the non res. maybe i'm naive, but i often find myself wishing it would change more to my benefit. we all know that can of worms though - queue @wllm1313 and tabor

am i the only one constantly sowing "let's move to wyoming" seeds in my wifes brain? that place is paradise from my perspective.

I've hunted CO as a resident and NR (three years when I lived in MT)... I would agree, other than the price of the tag their is no benefit to being a resident in CO for Deer and Elk. For most of the units and season the draw odds are identical, some are actually better as a NR.
On the flip side of this I have a friend who absolutely loves chasing mule deer in Montana(Not sure why sometimes). I got him hooked about 10 years ago. I've watched his enthusiasm dwindle in a major way the last couple of years because the cost of the trip is honesty more than he can swallow now with all the expense the last few years. Not one thing has changed in his everyday life to cause this except the rising price of hunting there. The guy wears cotton and is a carpenter by trade. Don't allow the Sitka crowd to fool you. I don't feel that's your average guy at all. The rhetoric is very real and greed is killing this sport everyday.
The license price need to go up because of government spending. The government never spends less always more. I know this is un popular on here because of all the guys that work for the government. I don't want to pay a penny more, but I really like what Wyoming G&F does as I know they are not perfect but they do a great job in my book.
The license price need to go up because of government spending. The government never spends less always more.

I question the accuracy of this statement. Do you have proof? Adjusted for inflation and population size has spending increased?

If there there 10,000 hunters and 50 game wardens 40 years ago and 100,000 hunters and 500 game wardens now is that an increase in government spending in your book?
Rob Shaul has thick skin, shows up to meetings, and I think he genuinely cares about wildlife. I don’t agree with much of anything he says unfortunately, but I can appreciate his effort.
Says the Wyoming landowner.
Landowners only get 2 tags and they can not transfer them, what's you issue with that ? Some allow hunting after their family fills their tags.
And no I'm not a landowners but reap the benefits of one that allows us to hunt after his family fills their tags or gets their hunt in.
I want them to expand the landowner tags. Why shouldn't my .18 acres qualify?

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