wyoming elk unit 61


New member
Oct 24, 2012
I was drawn for Wyoming unit #61 Elk
Now I need to decide which season to hunt the 1st or the 3rd season
Has anybody hunted this unit before and which would be the best season to hunt?
Any help would be appreciated
I'm confused by your question. There is no first or third season. It's all one season. Unless you mean early or late? If that's the case, then I would say go early. They should still be bulging opening day.
You are right, early or late season. Thank you
We decided to hunt the early season.
Have you even hunted this unit? Is it a pretty good one?
I've hunted it several times and it's an excellent area. Are you a non-resident? Just curious since the majority of the unit is wilderness and you will need a guide if you are.
Yes Iam. We are hiring a guide and taking horses in. We are really looking forward to the trip.
Thanks for thei nfo.
Yes, that is the guied's name.
Have you used him before? I hear he has a good reputation.
Have you heard anything different?
No, I've never used him. I'm a resident. Rode by his camp last season and met his hands on the trail. It looked like a great set-up and his guys were real friendly. I've heard good things about his operation. He's got a couple camps in 61 and they pull some really nice bulls out of there. You're in for a great hunt.
Everything I've heard about his operation on several hunting websites has also been very good. Good luck and make sure and come back with some good pictures and a story or two of your hunt.
Thank you, We are very excited about the hunt/ experience.
I am hunting with a long time friend/ mentor/Father.
I will definatly post pics and story after the hunt.
Thanks again for the information
Last activity on the website was 3/13 right after his last post here.

You know what that means don't ya? He's bound to win a prize in the BADASS giveaway hahaha :D - Seriously I'd like to see Oak, NHY, Greenhorn, Buzz or someone that's been around here for a long time win something cool.
Caribou Gear

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