PEAX Equipment

Wyoming Elk - The other guys


Mar 16, 2005
Sheridan, Wyoming
Stupid is as stupid does. That's what my momma always used to say. Now it's my wife. So I've talked to Fin on the phone I've read his posts and I'm still packing and planning on driving into the same general area tomorrow. I'm hunting in the area adjacent and may camp close if not snuggly close. :hump: Welcome to Wyoming Fin. :D

Anyway, I have not had much luck when it comes to getting out to fill my elk tag. A day here, half a day there, sick, work, sick of work, you get the picture. I finally get some consectutive days off without any interruption and now I'm busy talking to Fin about weather and access. What else will get in the way of me filling an elk tag with only my second bull? I bet I won't be fighting many hunters if nothing else. I'm hoping for light snow and calm conditions on my side of the hunt area boundary. Should be an interesting one.
Looking forward to hearing about your adventure. Keep all your ducks in a row, and your fingers, nose and toes warm.
Good luck. I predict snow and wind, but that's what I always predict for WY this late in the game.
Good luck, I will also be out tomorrow after this storm we've had...but in another part of the state as you guys. It's supposed to be sunny tomorrow so the elk should be moving after all of this mess today! but it could also mean I'm stuck every 5 mins...let's hope not. GOOD LUCK!
Well buddy im looking forward to a few days out in the Wyoming weather with you! Lets go have a good time and hopefully see a few elk. Looking forward to the chance of hanging with Fin too haha. Now lets go get you on a nice bull!
Put your snow boots on and some warm layers of gear all that nice new sitka stuff should work great:D And go for a walk you get service up there you know if you knock one down i have a pack frame and a strong back and well i think i know the boss of this place and he might just let me help you pack out an elk. Good luck man hope it works out and you get a chance at a monster they are up there.:hump:
Talked to fin today and he has us scared! I dont like going into something knowing im probably going to do a lot of digging. So,....decided to stay south in the lower elevations. Just heading out, will set up camp then spend them rest of the afternoon and evening glassing. Here goes nothing!
Here's where we're holing up for the hunt. It's currently 9° and dropping, hope we brought the right bags. No elk sightings tonight. Hopefully the morning brings new hope. Well I can't seemed to get a pic attached from the phone.
I saw 4 today. No shots and that's probably a good thing as the pack out would've sucked...but that's never stopped me before. It was 2 degrees when I got out of the truck this morning! but no snow where I was at....I couldn't believe it.

It's killin' time!
Alright, is it just the guys in this area in Wyoming? Fin, I'm keeping up with you. Wednesday night we got camp set up and the temperatures went below zero. I haven't camped in years and only have an old timers sleeping bag. One of those big flannel kind of things. Used it a lot and thought it would suffice. WRONG! Kept all of my Sitka gear on, wool socks and froze my butt off. Didn't sleep a wink. Our camp as you'll see isn't quite what Fin packs around. Small propane heater on the inside we turn on and off.

Yesterday we ran across a land owner after glassing all day and not seeing a thing. He told us he had seen 100 head of elk out in the prairie an hour earlier and told us how to get to them. Thought they were on or close to public land. By the time we got there we didn't have much time to waste. Spotted them and hit the ground. Got to them just before last legal shooting light to find they had just jumped the fence and were no more than 100 yards on private. The group had a very big 6 point bull with his right side broken and another smaller bull with a club on his right side that dropped under his jaw. Pretty cool.

On the way back to camp we noticed the temperature dropping again into single digits. I refuse to spend another night in the fetal position shivering so we decided to head back to town for the night, recharge our batteries, refuel and catch up on some warm sleep. On the way in we hit a cattle guard, turn in the road and ice and put the truck in a pond. The only one we could have hit off the side of the road for miles. We hit it. Going absolutely no where on a lonely Wyoming road at 8:00 at night we decided to walk back about 2 miles up the road and knock on a trailer door at one of the forks in the road. Fortunately a ranch hand was there and still up. He was very helpful, got us out, talked to us about elk on their property, and we were more than happy to share a beer with him.

So back to town, arrived just before midnight, hopped into a warm bed and slept in this morning. Now it's back to it. I'm determined to shoot an elk. My daughter just opened the front door and said, "Dad? What happened to your truck? It looks like you drove through a swamp." "Well kind of kiddo. It was a pond and we didn't exactly drive through it." There's a little damage to the front but nothing that will keep us from heading out. Hope it gets better from here. Taking a below zero back back out today too. Supposed to stay cold.


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Sounds like fun. What some people will do for an elk.... ;)

These cold, late season deals really make hot september archery days seem great.

Good luck out there.
On the way in we hit a cattle guard, turn in the road and ice and put the truck in a pond. The only one we could have hit off the side of the road for miles. We hit it. Going absolutely no where on a lonely Wyoming road at 8:00 at night we decided to walk back about 2 miles up the road and knock on a trailer door at one of the forks in the road.

Now you know why we do not let you go to the field anymore!!!!!!!!:D

What happened to your truck? It looks like you drove through a swamp." "Well kind of kiddo. It was a pond and we didn't exactly drive through it." There's a little damage to the front but nothing that will keep us from heading out. Hope it gets better from here.

Fairly uneventful day. Got back to the area, found the elk herd by 3:00, spent the rest of the day on them. Long walk to get to them. The bulls were about 80 yds onto private all afternoon. Too bad too because we could have gotten the truck right to them. It won't be that ready though judging from events so far. Bedded the elk, headed back to camp. Have a sufficient sleeping bag tonight but thankfully it's 40° warmer than this same time the last two nights. Freezer dried meal then to bed ready for what tomorrow throws at us.

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