Wyoming DIY Pronghorn


New member
May 22, 2019
First time DIY hunter here from Illinois. I've been dreaming about coming out West for years and finally decided to make this year the year. Initially, I was planning a doe/fawn hunt just for sake of ease but now I am reconsidering. My original plan was to pick an area with decent draw odds and come out to hunt a doe and then scout the area in which I would begin to apply for points in. However, I'm really getting the itch to hunt a buck. Are there any units in Wyoming where the odds of drawing a buck tag are decent without having points? Orrrr should I settle with the fun doe hunt and just begin accumulating for a buck hunt down the road? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!
I would get on game and fish website and look at the previous draws. You could also try goHunt. That site is very useful.
goHunt and ONX combo is your answer. (I add ONX, because all units where 0 points draw "any antelope" tag are low public acreage units and given landlocked public lands the general ratio of public to private in goHunt is not that helpful in practice.)
If you go on a 100% draw 0 point tag and you are hunting public, you better check your expectations before you leave home. You will see a ton of lope on private land. The few chunks that are public will be landlocked by private roads. The public land you can get on will not be suitable lope habitat. All that being said, you always have a chance at a random lope showing up on a tiny chunk of BLM and getting your chance.
You would have a lot more fun hunting a doe in an area with a lot of lope.
I've done zero point units every year I've hunted them and have had 100% success. The bucks I've gotten have been very nice, but not huge. Filling extra doe tags has also not been a problem. It can be done. It will take research and some creativity.
If you go on a 100% draw 0 point tag and you are hunting public, you better check your expectations before you leave home. You will see a ton of lope on private land. The few chunks that are public will be landlocked by private roads. The public land you can get on will not be suitable lope habitat. All that being said, you always have a chance at a random lope showing up on a tiny chunk of BLM and getting your chance.
You would have a lot more fun hunting a doe in an area with a lot of lope.
I don’t think this is very accurate at all. I hunt these units every year in NE Wyoming and kill a buck every year I want to on accessible public.

If you are willing to walk, you will have no problem getting into goats on public in ANY unit in Wyoming and will have plenty of fun.
Pay up for the special. Apply for a top end unit with your first choice - you might get lucky on the random draw. Pick a unit you can draw as a second choice and a third choice too. Put in for some doe tags too. Be ready to walk.

I got a decent buck last year in a second choice unit on opening day - it only took 20 miles of boot leather and three toenails. I’ll be burning my 5 points this year and now have the experience of one successful lope hunt under my belt. You can build points and hunt too.

You’ve got a lot of research and planning ahead of you but that’s part of the fun. The Hunt Planner on the WY Fish and Game website is great. Good luck and have fun.
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What Part of illinois are you from? i am also from illinois, and heading out to wy for my first hunt as well
In your shoes, I'd submit 3 separate applications. A low odds buck tag (1% - 25%) and two separate high odds (50% +) doe tags. Hunting does is just as much fun as bucks, but they are not quite the same. Bucks are more spread out and less wary. Does are more concentrated and much more wary, making them noticeably harder to hunt, in my opinion (which can be a good thing).
Was looking at Wyoming as I struck out in Nevada antelope draw again this year. Man the system seems complicated! Maybe I am just not in the right frame of mind to wrap my head around the process. Never been to Wyoming but always wanted to give it a shot.
Was looking at Wyoming as I struck out in Nevada antelope draw again this year. Man the system seems complicated! Maybe I am just not in the right frame of mind to wrap my head around the process. Never been to Wyoming but always wanted to give it a shot.
Everyone, myself included, feels the same way at first. Keep reading, and it will all start to make sense. Once it does, you'll find that the Wy system is really good, and very fair to NRs.
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