Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Wyoming Bighorn sheep

This was DIY public land hunt. I had access to some landlocked parcels that paid off for me. I drew the tag with 23 PP, one less than max.
We spotted a band of rams last weekend moving to a public spot I had access to. Went up Saturday to look for them and a cow elk. We bumped the band of rams from private over towards the public on our way in.
We stopped and glassed the area to find them on their way towards the public land. We made a round about stalk to not find them where we thought they would be. Backtracked for a better view and found them again feeding back up towards the public, perhaps they went down for a drink.
We again went around to put a stalk on the public parcel. Couldn't see the sheep until we got within 60 yards, they were bedded in the crack of the parcel. Sat down and waited a bit, 2 young rams spotted us and got up and went about 25 yards away and started looking at us then just bedded down again. I could not see the bigger ram still bedded in the crack, but did see another young ram also looking right at us. He proceeded to get up and I got ready, then he bedded down again.
I'm not the most patient hunter so I decided we were making a move, not waiting for them to get up. I moved, crawled about 10 yards closer to the crack and they finally spotted me and stood up. I had already made the decision to take whatever shot he offered. He offered a going away shot and I took it at 70 yards or so. A hit but little reaction so I moved a bit and fired again to hit low and a rock. Both off hand shots.
The sheep scattered then and disappeared over the edge. We went to look for them and no sign of sheep anywhere. Backtracked to the shot spot and found a small amount of blood mixed with fat, not a good sign for me. Followed some tracks and finally found a blood trail. The ram had circled back from the rest and lay about 115 yards below their bed area.
My shot entered his right hip and traveled the entire body length, we recovered the bullet just under the hide on the front shoulder.
I shoot a Sako A7 Tecomate 300wsm, 165 gr Grand Slam bullet with 66 grs of 4350 pushing it.

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Thank you all.
I put the tape to him. 16 2/8 and 16 4/8 bases, 38 and 37 4/8 length. Good mass through the curl. Rough score 176 6/8. He probably end up about 170 and change. Way more than I hoped for.
It was an emotional hunt for sure, my once in a lifetime. My legs and back are not up to a demanding hunt like they used to be.
Congrats WY! Amazing country and very cool to see those sheep there. Wish I was headed your way for a deer hunt this year.