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WY unit 67 first antelope hunt


New member
Oct 9, 2014
Hey fellas,

I don't post much on this forum but have spent a lot of time reading. My two brothers, myself, and our dad will be going on our first antelope hunt this sept in unit 67. It obviously took us a few years to build enough points to pull a tag and we are looking forward to a fun hunt. I've never hunted antelope but have hunted elk in a lot of states out west every year since '98. I'm looking for tips on judging antelope and any information that you might be willing to share about this particular unit. We are planning on arriving a couple days prior to season and hunting the first few days. Our plan is to stay in Riverton but we haven't ruled out packing our wall tents like we do every year chasing elk. We have great optics and certainly won't be afraid to get out of the trucks. As far as size and trophy quality it appears that the precipitation has been very good so far in this unit so hopefully horn growth is good. I'm not sure how good we will be at judging these animals but what would you consider average size vs top end in this unit? Bigfin, thanks for all the youtube videos you post, I've watched and tried to learn from each and every one of them!

thanks again and good luck to everyone this fall, be safe, and have fun!

Hey adubs...congrats on drawing the tag, and good luck with it. I will be down in 92 at the same time. I don't know what the top end is, but I can say that up until a month ago or so the moisture situation was sweet (way above average since last winter) and apparently the last 2 years have been that way. It's been over 10 years since I've been up there (deer) but I saw some good ones then while looking for deer. Don't get trigger finger....
67 is a very good unit and should hold some good bucks this year. Scout as much as possible and then shoot the best of what you see, but take your time unless you see a booner right away. Riverton is a nice town and I'd suggest that if you plan to motel it that you check to see what is available now and book a room so you don't take a chance and get shut out if you're talking opening week of the season.
Window shop, and shop some more. Some guys spend 3 or more days looking but my ADD gets the best of me and 2 days is enough. Lopes are all over that unit, so you have a lot of area to cover. I am not as good at judging them as others here, but look at the mass verses the eye width. Then look at ears to length. Tough buggers to judge. When I see what I think is big it's usually a good one but it's the ones that don't look that big that sometimes have me scratching my head when I hear the score.
look at a bunch of bucks, when you see one that makes you go wow, most likely he will be the buck for you. just make sure you get him caped, cooled before you move him if possible. I have found they eat a lot better as well as helping protect the cape from damage, goats have hair that slips and pulls out pretty easy. GOOD LUCK and post some pics.
Hunted 67 as my first Wyoming hunt a few years back....had a great time and we killed some nice bucks. I made a quick decision on this guy as a result of the mass, after passing up bucks for about 3 days. He's short but had good mass and holds it well.

Must have looked at 75+ bucks each day.

I'll post some pics when I get home from work today. Feel free to touch base if you have any questions.
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