Wy sf155...


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
We're just getting warmed up...another really great bill that accomplishes nothing more than fracturing hunters.

This one is also being introduced by Larry Hicks.


This one takes 10% of ALL available big-game hunting licenses and sets them aside for archery only...sheep, moose, elk, deer, antelope, bison, goat, etc.

Big game licenses-archery licenses.
Sponsored by: Senator(s) Hicks
1 AN ACT relating to big game licenses; providing for a
2 specified percentage of big game licenses to be issued as
3 archery only licenses; and providing for an effective date.
5 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Wyoming:
7 Section 1. W.S. 23-1-703 by creating a new subsection
8 (h) and by amending and renumbering (h) as (j) is amended
9 to read:
11 23-1-703. Limitation of number of big or trophy game
12 animal licenses; reservation of certain licenses;
13 reservation of certain unused licenses.
15 (h) The commission shall reserve ten percent (10%) of
16 the Type 1 licenses for all big game species to be issued
17 in any one (1) year as archery only licenses.

So, lets take a look at how this one impacts those that either dont archery hunt or only archery hunt to extend their seasons.

If a unit has 100 tags issued for say, antelope. Off the top, we pull the Landowner licenses, lets say thats 10 tags, that leaves 90. Now we pull the NR quota which is 25% or in this case 25 tags. Now we're down to 65 tags. Next up, the 10% archery only...now we're down to 55 tags.

This means that before the DIY Resident Rifle hunter is even considered in the draw...45% of the tags are already GONE. Almost half of the tags.

You can let Senator Hicks know how you feel about this tag grab at:

[email protected]

When this is assigned to a committee, I'll provide contact information for them as well. It will be best to kill this one in committee.
Why can't the bill be reworked to only take out say 5% of the tags then add tags to the total unit(remember archers don't kill much) and have type 9 codes for each hunt?

Takes the archers out of the type 1 draw and helps those draw odds. Makes better draw odds for those only interested in archery, doesn't kill a bunch more critters, win. win?

I can already see the blood vessel on the side of Buzz's head starting to bulge out a bit;):D
It wont add tags...it will take from the existing pools. Also wont take anyone out of the type-1 pools (archers could still archery hunt on a type-1 or type-9 tag).

It would also force more archery hunters into the LQ units...as there is no intention of not allowing those that draw rifle tags to also archery hunt. Add another 10% more archery hunters into each unit.


I'm also not buying that archery hunters dont kill anything and have no impact. With the modern mechanical arrow launching devices we have these days, success rates are picking up significantly. Pretty far from a stick and string.
Change it so archers couldn't hunt on a type 1. A type 9 tag would take me out of the type 1 draw for sure.

I've had 2 Wyoming elk tags. Pissed it down my leg both times during archery. I would have been content not to come back, but the rules let me! You could have saved the state of WY 2 bulls;)
Great...more legislation to amend this years legislation....which in turn "fixed" something that wasnt broken to start with.

Always a good idea.

still doesnt answer the question of why archers feel the need to rob 10% of the licenses from the quota???
Just being the Devils Advocate a bit:D

I'm torn. While I LOVE the current WY system as it allows for someone like me( can't hit a thing with a bow at times) to keep at it. The sound of better archery draw odds is appealing(WY could get rid of me and my 11 moose points fast).

And I don't think with archery success rates they would have to take 10% of the tags. Just tack on some more tags to the unit.
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Oh yeah, it will increase archery odds and tank the odds for all other hunters.

It will also devalue preference points for all species as well and extend out drawing tags for everyone but archery hunters.

The rifle hunters can tack on another 5-10 years to their wait times for sheep and moose.

Why don't you WY fellows work that senator to sponsor a corner-hoping bill in WY! Now that would change WY hunting!! He seems eager at least???
You need to drop the special archery for type 1 and go straight type 9 if yur going to pull 10% out of the tag pool.
Caribou Gear

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