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WY Checkerboard Access


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2013
Hey guys, I'm looking at an antelope unit in Wyoming that has ALOT of checkerboard country. I know corner crossing isn't allowed so I am trying to think of alternate ways to access some country that isn't accessible from any public road.

So I'm wondering, is it legal in Wyoming to access checkerboard BLM by walking down railroad tracks and entering it from the RR?
Good question. I would guess not as I believe railroads are private and probably have their own unique easements. In all likely hood they had rights or ownership before any of the current landowners. Additionally I have read the attached. Good reading for all hunters seeking to access Wyoming BLM lands. There is no mention of railroad.

You many want to call The Wyoming BLM office. I have found them to be very helpful. Number is in the attached .pdf.
There is nothing in the Wyoming statutes that makes corner crossing legal or illegal and it depends on the County Sheriff and Prosecutor as to whether a person will be cited for it if a private property owner makes a complaint. The G&F lost a case and their GWs have been instructed not to issue tickets involving corner crossing. Accessing public property like you are mentioning would probably not be advisable since the RR tracks and right of way is considered private property.
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From the Wtoming Public Land Access Guide (posted above.)

What are the rights of the public to cross private lands to access public land?
The public may cross private lands to access public lands when a public road or right-of-way (easement) for public access exists across the private lands. In all other circumstances, the public must first obtain permission from the landowner to cross private lands. The landowner is not obligated to grant such permission.

This supports what TG30-06 says:

What does the law say with regard to corner crossing?

There is no specific state or federal laws regarding corner crossings. Corner crossings in the checkerboard land pattern area or elsewhere are not considered legal public access.
Goatshoes thank you for the link. I'll have to call the BLM office sometime soon and see what they say.

Topgun, I thought I heard somewhere that GW's wouldn't issue citations for corner crossing but wasn't sure what state that was in. Thanks for the heads up. Honestly I'de rather not corner cross, just because I want to avoid the inevitable meeting with some pissed off landowner arguing about the legalities of corner crossing and private property rights. Wouldn't want to deal with that during a hunt. But I would take advantage of accessing BLM by Railroad IF it were legal, even if I piss off some landowner along the way, as long as what I'm doing is legal.
Railroads are private property owned by private corporations and any I have seen are posted at several points for safety reasons. Most also have their own law enforcement agents also that enforce trespass pretty strictly. Definitely nothing public about them in relation to access.
There is nothing in the Wyoming statutes that makes corner crossing legal or illegal and it depends on the County Sheriff and Prosecutor as to whether a person will be cited for it if a private property owner makes a complaint. The G&F lost a case and their GWs have been instructed not to issue tickets involving corner crossing. Accessing public property like you are mentioning would probably not be advisable since the RR tracks and right of way is considered private property.

Does anybody know if checkerboard access will definitively be decided anytime soon. Reduces a lot of units for me to not huntable while doing research, I'd hate walking the line between legal and illegal.
Almost seems like someone has to get in trouble for it and take it to the courts to decide.
Corner crossing is just so strange, you can't step across corners, but you can fly into it. So, what elevation do you have to be? Is one good jump enough, or one of those ladders that folds in half maybe? I would love to see this in court and actually ruled on in sportsman favor so it can be put to bed

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