Wolves attack dog near Duluth


I think the Mexican wolf reintroduction into the Gila is one of the tragic mistakes of game management. Thank God, it is not the Lobo of the northern states. Mexican wolf is smaller and still deadly. Still will play havoc on the elk and deer.

Just my opinion, I think the Mexican wolf does more damage to cattle.

They are here now and I have no legal solution.

And you would be closer to the current situation than I sir. You make excellent points. I want to thank you for being someone who is capable of disagreeing, as well as stating your reasons for doing so, without being nasty-- much respect sir-- your opinion and your reasons- for your opinion--- give's me something to think about for sure.

BuzzH-------perfect timing lol after bobbydeans post, that is kind of how I look to him-------except a tad older--o.k., a lot older lol
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Pretty damn far. A dog is a family member, so as far as I would for a child. I know that's not always the legal thing to do, but I could live with those consequences much more than I could watching my dog die when I could have stopped it from happening.
I think that is why alot more incidents are not reported. Especially with bird hunters. They shoot at the wolf so they dont want to report the incident for fear the dnr comes around and finds a wolf carcass full of shot.
I think that is why alot more incidents are not reported. Especially with bird hunters. They shoot at the wolf so they dont want to report the incident for fear the dnr comes around and finds a wolf carcass full of shot.
Makes a good story, if you like stories built out of thin air.
Tough question to give a direct response towards Brent. How far would you go to save your dog?

There are those that avoid the direct with a misdirect comment... And there are those that may state they would watch their family dog get torn apart... Waiting for a DNR person who has some legal authority to save your dog... And there are those that do the necessary to make sure your dog comes home alive or you have the ability to know you did all possible...

Like it or not, the old saying, "shoot, shovel, and shutup" came from somewhere... I don't condone illegal activity. I'd report it, myself and face a judge, a jury of my peers or a good dog loving prosecutor. Though to comment such, "stories built on thin air"...
Goes back to the question...
How far would you go to save your dog?
Meh, no worries. No need to answer out loud. I am confident the HT "mightier than thou" keyboard thumpers might even save their dog... Then again...

You / your... = Plurality.
I would shoot a Wolf off my dog in a millisecond. I can't imagine the likelihood of that ever happening is even quantifiable other than to know it's greater than 0. So is epsilon.

And I would have no qualms reporting it. And I have no doubt that I would not suffer any severe consequences for either. I have not bothered to look up the specific code that says thou shalt be persecuted if thou shoots fierce, murdersome wolf on top of poor, defenseless, helpless, soon to murdered swamp collie. Can anybody actually cite this egregious law?

Meanwhile, I am still wondering who is paying to shut up all those veterinarians that have to sew up all the Wolf chewed swamp collies like mine.

Wolves attack dogs no doubt it happens. Bears also attack dogs. I've even heard of deer attacking dogs.I don't think those are any less common then wolves and yet nobody thinks those animals are some kind of terrifying killers.
Makes a good story, if you like stories built out of thin air.
Funny, how you discount anyone else's first hand knowledge except your own. I guess I dont really care if you belive it or not. Live in your own fantasy world.

For what it's worth here are the potential penalties for protecting your pet.

The maximum penalty for killing a wolf in Minnesota is six months in prison and a $25,000 fine.
In Wisconsin, the maximum penalty is one year in prison and a $100,000 fine.
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It comes from the Chouinard Patagonia (and others) funded wolf protectionists, judicial obstructionists, and anti ESA extremists...
That is where the DNR come out with a horse chit law that a dog owner must not defend his dogs life by lethal force.
Those mall driven, city slicker (and naive environmental organization supporter) patrons wearing their cute, anti ESA funded clothing ensembles...
How's that "wolf protectionist" working out in ID, MT, and WY?

Fill all your Montana wolf tags this year Sytes? How about Idaho tags? If you did, you can always come down to Wyoming and hunt them without a license in 2/3 of my State, year round.

I've never seen anyone with such a phobia/paranoia about an animal in all my life...its not healthy.
It comes from the Chouinard Patagonia (and others) funded wolf protectionists, judicial obstructionists, and anti ESA extremists...
That is where the DNR come out with a horse chit law that a dog owner must not defend his dogs life by lethal force.
Those mall driven, city slicker (and naive environmental organization supporter) patrons wearing their cute, anti ESA funded clothing ensembles...

Man, if you want to make something up, try to make it at least vaguely realistic. Patagonia does not write laws, and judges don't enforce laws made by private individuals or corporations. Show me the actual law - does it even exist or it is yet another internet myth involving wolves.
Give it up Sytes. Your keyboard skills will never be able to compete with professional keyboard argueists. They are like edgar winter group but with a different keyboard.
When a wolf is killed, the loudest screams come from those who push $$$ into the wolf lovin' coffers. The, "Center For Biological Diversity", whom is a proud recipient of money raised from the sale of Patagonia clothing, among several other judicial obstructionist extreme environmentalist groups.
If you believe for one second that those crazed anti ESA groups are not attributable to the state restrictions along with the federal Judicial injunctions, etc... Then we are at an impasse.
Your opinion, my opinion. Cheers to forum posting.
I think that is why alot more incidents are not reported. Especially with bird hunters. They shoot at the wolf so they dont want to report the incident for fear the dnr comes around and finds a wolf carcass full of shot.

I would literally tell every single person I know if I shot a wolf in defense of a domestic dog. If I still drank heavily, I bet I’d tell the story 10 times every weekend.
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