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Wolves are killing all the elk?

Well well, if it isn't wolfhugger #3... aren't you supposed to be banned?

Dissin your favorite ECO group in my last post cause you ass to eat your panties?
Greenhorn said:
Dissin your favorite ECO group in my last post cause you ass to eat your panties?

The rest of the Bobcat alumni must cringe when they read your postings.... hump

Is there a Griz alum that can translate for me????
Greenhorn isn't hard to understand, but I suppose some one that wrangles and works the system for his own selfish ends and needs wouldn't or couldn't figure out much of any thing posted in common sense... ;)
I would suppose boot camp would be good for you also.... :eek:
But I guess that would never happen, that takes courage and conviction to some thing that actually matters...
GH, good info thanks. I wonder if the numbers are low enough for MTFWP to show the feds an economic impact. I wonder if the state could do the same type of lawsuit over interstate commerce that USO did down south?
I wouldn't think so if the economic impact was analyzed and addressed in the EIS. Most usually have a socioeconomic section.
i am going to have to post some tracks i found about 15 miles out of boise.. sent them to IDFG and waiting for a response.. just bought a romak for my b-day gota love it...


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Greenhorn isn't hard to understand, but I suppose some one that wrangles and works the system for his own selfish ends and needs wouldn't or couldn't figure out much of any thing posted in common sense... ;)
I would suppose boot camp would be good for you also.... :eek:
But I guess that would never happen, that takes courage and conviction to some thing that actually matters...

You're right, I don't have the conviction to try and decipher what Greenhorn/s jibberish was... Why don't you save us all the effort, and tell us what it means. You seem to be very good at jibberish....
and again mark.
I have to answer nothing posed from you until you answer my questions first, the ones I have asked months ago and you seem to shy away like a cockroach scurries from the light. Any thing you ask is absolutely meaningless to any one, when you won't answer those posed to you.
Since short memory syndrome seems to follow you where ever you go, would you like the questions again, or are you going to ignore them... ;)
I still like the three S's policy a lot of the hunters adopted here in Wi....
Shoot, shovel, shut up
I still like the three S's policy a lot of the hunters adopted here in Wi....
Shoot, shovel, shut up
Good point schmalts. I have heard the wolves have killed nearly all of the deer in WI. Isn't there talk of closing deer season until the herds recover, if they ever do? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :D
hey schmalts.... thats a GREAT motto...a famer friend of mine was issued a shoot on site permit, i like that motto much better. the temptation of taking photos of your prize would be damn tempting but very expensive depending on who ya tell...hopefully gonna try out my new toy on some critters...


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C'mon Matt.
This is very old hat, you need some new material, the other guy's have about worn it out :rolleyes: ;)
Oak- I think the cheese is finally melting...
Because you are a newbie here, I will let you in on a little secret, this is all these guy's could come up with as an argument when I used their own tactics (Tack Tick for Buzz) against them only stepped up a bit. With only a couple days of stomping, they were whining to every one that I wasn't playing fair...
Elkchsr- Who was the Mark you were talking about in post #28? Would it have been better to say "the cheese is crumbling" or "the cheese is getting stale" or "the cheese has finally fermented"? Sorry, I don't know the cheese etiquette.

I'm not taking a shot at anyone but it seems like some of you (who are well versed in predator/prey dynamics) have forgotten that you grew up hunting deer and elk populations that were artificially high due to a lack of large predators.

The wolves and elk (and deer and bears and lions and coyotes) will sort themselves out. Will the wolves decimate elk populations? Possibly in specific ranges, but probably not. Will wolves have an impact? Absolutely.

So it seems to me that the smart play for the ranching/hunting camp is to give up the already lost fight of "No Wolves" and petition the FWS to establish a wolf population threshold that would result in them being re-listed as big game. At this point wolves could be added them to the lottery/auction tag pool. I would suggest that wolf tag generated monies be earmarked for wolf/elk studies or range improvements since we all seem to be able to agree that habitat is the ultimate answer to maintaining game populations.

Finally, help me understand--why are you guys being so hateful over this issue?
I have an article I will be posting that it is starting to become apparent that Wolves are actually helping ranchers and farmers by keeping the large herbivores moving around more instead of camping out in one place.

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