Wolf Huggers Anonymous

There are a number of other animals that get caught in snares. They are cheap, so for the same amount of money as a trap, you could put out a dozen or more snares. You can imagine the problems with that many snares out and a bunch of green wolf trappers. Would make for a bad mix.

If we need that tool, then it will be addressed at a later date. I don't see a bill in the legislature demanding snares. YET!
If we need that tool, then it will be addressed at a later date. I don't see a bill in the legislature demanding snares. YET!

Makes sense.

Plus, in a few years wolves will learn to avoid any(less than perfect) foot hold sets. No need to educate them, while guys are still figuring out wolf patterns.
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dustinf - over the last few years there have been groups (Footloose Montana) mounting a very public and emotion based attack on trapping. There has even been quite a bit of speculation that these anti trapping advocates purposefully get there own dogs caught in traps so they can video it for news stories.

They would like to eliminate all trapping and hunting but are trying to sound reasonable by focusing on outlawing trapping on public lands. Of course according to them traps rip the legs and arms off of pets and children. From what I have heard, due to this negative publicity and the fact that this is the first season that we can trap for wolves the Montana Trapping Association and FWP decided to not allow trapping for the time being.

In my opinion this is probably a good idea. There are a bunch of guys (like me) putting out wolf sets that don't know much about trapping and how to avoid catching non target species. At least with footholds there is a good chance that a dog, mountain lion, ect can be released alive resulting in less negative publicity of trapping. Do a search for "trapping" on the Missoulian newspaper website to get an idea of the type of negative publicity I am talking about.

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